you ,me and her

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Kirti smiled  sweetly as she sleeping  next to her love Shuchita.. they both are  together  for a while  now,Kirti knows this relationship  is not a fairy tale, and maybe it won't last more still Kirti loves is a beautiful  thing which makes you see only  the good side of the person  you love..and we tend to ignore some real facts and trends  of the person  you generally  noticed.

Maybe  we all are so affaide  to be alone ,that shouldn't  be the only reason  one should  be in a relationship, A relationship should alway based on love ,mutal respect and trust is it the ideal  relationship  Kirti wanted ..she knew  ideal  doesn't exit but she definitely  wanted more ,seems like for Shuchita  it's just a casual thing ,that thought  really  given her shivering, when your in  love with someone   and the other person is not with same  intensity its hard thing to swallow, Kirti quickly  get off the bed ..and went to bathroom,  hit the cold shower..trying  to avoid  that thought someone  don't want you the way you want them .....that feeling  is creepy...Kirti  wanted shrugged  that thought she heard her doorbell  rang........

Kirti: ohhh ...Damm ( quickly turning  off the shower and getting  out of the bathroom  in her bathrobe) how could  I forgot.... Priya going  to come this morning.
She quickly..went to her bedroom  get in  into her black  jeans and cropped top,Shuchita  too waking  up as she heard  the doorbell..

Shuchita: narrowing  her eyes looking at  Kirti, hey beautiful..who's  that ? Are you expecting  someone?

Kirti: setting  up  her curly hair in a high ponytail..ohh yess actually  I am  meeting  police  offer..regarding  my story.

Shuchita: what? I didn't  get you,police  offer.? your story?

Kirti: it's a long story..I tell you later ,you can  stay here  and listen  the whole  thing .

Shuchita: hmm,actually..I have to go too,you have your talk with her ,I will come in the evening, ok ?
And without waiting  for kirti's  reply ,get up from  the bed and wearing  her..sandals.

Kirti: followed  Shuchita...Shuchita opened  the door..Kirti standing  next to her as they both faced Priya.

Priya: hey.there( looking  at Shuchita  and kirti  she felt  maybe  she interpreted their  time together ) hope I  didn't  ruined  your time together..?

Kirti: coming  forward...ohh noo no it's nothing  like that  .I am  waiting  for  you,this is my friend  Shuchita.

Shuchita: looking  at  Priya curiously..and cutting  Kirti halfway  heyy..I am  Shuchita kirti's  girlfriend

Kirti: smiling  and looking  at  Shuchita  ohh wow...that's sounded good did you  just said the way  Priya she never let me call her that..

Shuchita...rolling  her eyes and kissing  kirti's  lips softly..okkk bye babe..have fun.bye Priya nice to meet you though.

Priya: really  don't  know  what  to say..just hiding  her smile as Kirti told her about  Shuchita's habit not letting  Kirti call gf...and the way Shuchita  quickly  jump saying  I am  Kirti 's  girlfriend  as if ...Priya smiling  to herself...The thought  just cross  her mind ..did Shuchita  just felt threatened  by my presence.

Kirti: hey ,thanks for coming, I know  your a really  busy person, I really  appreciate  your help, what you like to have tea or coffee?

Priya : ohh of course, anytime, no I am fine ..if you  don't  mind we should  get on what we here to discuss

Kirti: oh you go Ahead, I am  listening.

Priya : will be a little  supried  to know  I know you  before  I met you in person.

Kirti: oh yaa I remembered  we meet at my books publishing ceremony, I would  say we bumped into each other...and..

Priya: ohhh noo,I know  you long before  that ,since you started writing  on the "sap" story app ,infact  we cheated multiple  times..I got an account  there by the name of " miyra" remembered

Kirti: ohhh yess I do remembered  of course I do ,your the first one who always supported  me as a writer and encouraged  to be a full time  writer..I own you big time..but suddenly  we lost touch ..if I am  not  mistaken.

Priya: your right, I am  happy  you remembered  me,I have  my own reasons  I stopped talking  there,actually  when  you completed  your story  on that app after few  weeks ,I got this case where we found  a body killed in a old mansion  outside  the  city seems like someone  stabbed that person  in the stomach, but no murder weapon  was found  there nor anywhere  else..then we gone  through  the victims mobile  phone, to find some answers there the person who  is  continuously  in touch with the victim  had same story  app and following  your murder story.

Kirti: listing  to Priya curiously...hmm you think  that's enough  to indicate someone killed as shown  in my story.

Priya: No thats not all ,there is more to this...a lot of things are under can't say anything, but as an officer I felt like there is definitely  some connection,I know  it's shocking  to you ,and I am not blaming  you  or anything  but I think  that person  who done the murder  is your big fan as a writer ,we found his Mobile  last week ..and you know  where we found  it?

Kirti : where?

Priya : it was found in my police  headquarter  's backyard .

Kirti: what? You mean  someone  deliberately  wanted you to found that Mobile.
Priya : yes...or someone  wanted to get into the know  the kind of killer who wants publicity, or...

Kirti: or ...say ..don't  hold back.
Priya: or that person  just want your attention. I don't  know  how but the news linked to media and they started writing  stories  of some murder  is done on some online  story I got to know  about it, I thought  I let you know  about I approached  your publication house and here we are.
Kirti: after hearing  all that...hold her forehead with her left's really  difficult  for  her to soak all these bits and pieces Priya telling  her ,honestly  I am  not  getting  anything, my head is just spinning.

Priya: felt really  bad for Kirti, hey relaxed, I don't want  you to get panic  I just thought  you should  an idea  what's going  on, I don't  believe  how people  wants to show  their  love  and affection  these  days, I go through  many cases where people  are done crimes on the name of love..that's pathetic, and someone  wants your attention  there are  million  ways to get it,rather than  harrsing you like that..I am  too  your fan but didn't mean..

Kirti: laughed  ,really  your my fan I don't  know  how anyone  can be my fan I just written  one story just one..

Priya: smiled I think  your with just one book ,your approached to write a movie  script  by a big movie  house says a lot about  your work.

Kirti: honestly  I am  not  feeling  good  about  it anymore, I am  not doing  it, by the way how you know  about  it ,only few people  knows about  that offer. Are you stocking  me offer?

Priya: ohh of course  not..Priya just panicked.

Kirti: laughed  watching  Priya denying  that quickly..relax  ..just kidding.

Priya: smiled oh you definitely  got me there, relaxed  you Don't  have to bother about  anything  you got my back..just asking  you a favour.if you don't  mind.

Kirti: oh sure say it.

Priya: please  write something  on the sap story  app,it's being  a while since you written  something  there,I love to read your content.

Kirti: well honestly  I am  not feeling  writing  anything  ,but I will something for you, tell me what you want to read ?another murder  mystery?

Priya : noo a love story,from  a lovely  person. And looked at kirti's  eyes passionately.

Kirti: laughed  loudly, she didn't  noticed Priya 's eye's on story, hmm that's tough these  days, isn't it office?

Priya: yes it is ,so please at least  let"Love"  be in stories
if not in real life.

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