The Avatar

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Avatar ...means and illusion created by situation, circumstance or by a person to make people believe something they wont generally, like some perimeter around ones mind he/she cant think anything they are under some spell.

Kirti 's POV
Thats what she keep doing ,leaving me alone like this why would I even call its all over between us ,I given her multiple chances not any more ,I just wanted her to listen to me rather than creating such a fuss about it, but noo ,all she done is shout on me .Now I wont expect anything for her ever ,kirti ..mentally screming  inside .its over  i. Wont  call her or text her..I am gona block her everywhere.

Suchita 's POV
How could she kissed her ,I dont believe this. ..she just know that ..priya /tiya only like 2months
I told the first  day I saw that lady ..she's not trustworthy, but who listen to me,if I say no to something kirti  just go and do that thing first ,exactly opposite of what I said she just love irritating me,the day that lady officer entered our life its all messy ,kirti is a smart girl I expected more from her ,I dont know how she fall so easily in that lady officer's trap I just dont get it. Maybe she created some fake narrative and trapped kirti. Kirti is a sensitive girl ,and she is all alone right now,ohh dear I should have control my temper, she was about to tell me something. .whats bothering her or is she in some trouble,I should call her and say sorry, I know when kirti told me she kissed her I just got so pissed ..why its so difficult for kirti to understand it hurts me ,why  don't she once addressed my insecurities rather than alway blaming me ,she knows me for years ,I would never harm her but this priya...I just hate her ,god know whats she is planning, I have to call kirti.... (Picked her mobile and called kirti' number...)ohh no not again kirti blocked me..this is just great.throws her mobile in anger.

Priya called kirti...on her cell phone

Priya : hello...oh are you ?

Kirti : hey ...I am good ,how you doing?

Priya : I am great, you sound a little everything ok ?

Kirti : ohh yes everything is fine..honestly I wann say something, I think yesterday I just got carrired away..your a beautiful lady priya but ..I don't think I have that kind of feeling for you. Hope you understand.

Priya : (A sting felt in her heart but she cant show her true feeling. .) ohh of course I get it completely I geuss we both just caught up in that moment, but please dont make things  awkward between us ...we are both adult ..and can move on ...I don't want to lose a friend like you.

Kirti :ohhh..I don't know priya..honestly I am not in a good mood ...can we talk some other time please.

Priya :ohh sure no worries. .I understand, you tc bye.

Priya's POV

I don't belive this how could she say that ...what she thinks of herself one day she kisses me the other day she dont even want to be my friend. no kirti...its not that its even more exciting. ..I will make you beg for my attention and love..and you will be mine

First thing first I have to make her panic and vunrable thats when people makes the maximum mistake ...then I can be her only saviour and only lover...just wait and watch my dear can writer stories on paper I will write in real life. .a beautiful love story ..priya and kirti..

Suchita called her and kirti 'common friend neeta just call kirti and see if she is doing ok.

Suchita : hey neeta how are you dear. .long time. .Hows life ?

Neeta: hello suchita ..I am good called me real surprise ,is everything ok?

Suchita: no, not really, Neeta can  do me a favour and check on kirti please

Neeta : laughed. .ohh you fight again much you guys fight, I must say your a real couple without marriage.

Suchita: well I don't think so neeta ..maybe this time its really over .. You please check on her instinct is saying she is in trouble.

Neeta : well the way you worries about her, I dont think its over ..relaxed I will go and meet her tomorrow, you relaxed ok .

suchita : thanks dear ,I owe you big time ,do call me after meeting her.

Neeta: sure suchita ,Relaxed now .

Suchita mentally slapping herself ,I should have be more careful, thats what she wanted. .I am away from kirti 's life ..but its not gonna be that easy miss priya...I know I have my issues with kirti. .but I wont let it ever come between kirti 's safety and wellness, I stand by her side no matter what.

Everyone has their own definition of love for some owning someone is love, for someone surrendering is love ....In today era its tough to find someone who loves you without expecting anything, lets see who wins the battle of love. .only time will tell.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 17 ⏰

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