Personal Details

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Mother - Marcy Chen -

Family can be complicated, but Marcy really should have picked up a parenting book at some point. I mean her track record isn't great, really. 

The very first and greatest wedge in her and her daughters relationship was the assassination of her husband. Leaving Val without a shoulder to cry on while Marcy was off running her 'organisation'.

Let's be serious this 'organisation' is more of a cult, something Val steered clear of. She saw the opportunity to use her daughter, train her to be a weapon, to one day lead the cult. But trying to indoctrinate a daughter with her father's stubbornness is impossible, resulting in neglecting her maternal duties. 

After a particularly vicious fight, when Val was 12, she kicked her daughter to the curb. Val was forced to tough it out by herself, preferring it without the looming shadow of her mother.

Father - Carter Chen-

He loved his job, he loved his wife and he loved his only daughter. Carter did great in his life, living comfortably with his wife Marcy. He was overjoyed when he found out he would be a father.  

When his little girl was two, he uncovered Marcy's cult; he decided it wasn't safe for his daughter to grow up around a woman like his wife. He tried to flee with his daughter bundled in his arms, prepared to make a life anywhere with her. 

But as they were free, he was struck down. He cradled his daughter close to him, not prepared to let go of her. He didn't survive and baby Val was forced to live with her mother. 


Megan Morley- 

Fiercely loyal but a pain in the ass. That sums Megan up. 

She is incredibly book smart, but she lacks street smarts. When she and Val met, they sort of latched onto each other and went from there. She will fight for what she believes and will throw hands for her best friend. 


Mother, Marcy Chen -

Now of course kicking her daughter to the curb wasn't enough for Marcy. Whenever she saw opportunity, she would track her daughter down and swoop in to cause chaos. At first she continued to try and recruit her daughter but over time it lead to just causing pain in Val's life.

She truly believed that after her daughter's spirit broke she would turn on the world and join her cults glorious purpose. 

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