Chapter 18 the morning after

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I slowly began to open my eyes, letting my eyes adjust to the darkness of the room, the only light within the room, was the light coming in through the window, once my eyes had adjusted, I look towards the window, it wasn't that dark outside, as the sun was still rising, I smile to myself as the events of last night came back to me.

I slowly roll over in bed, Eleanor sleeping peacefully on her back, with one of her hands on her stomach and the other above her head, I lean up on my elbow, a lock of hair lay across Eleanor's face, reaching a hand towards her, carefully moving the lock of hair on her face, she looks so relaxed, carefree, peaceful, beautiful, as I lay there watching her sleep her words from last night echoes in my mind.

"I want you, and not just for tonight," I hadn't answer her at the time, as I'm not sure what she meant by that, did she want more than a one nightstand? Did she want a relationship, the answer I believe is yes, after what she told me about her relationship or non-relationship with Sara, after what Eleanor told me, I really hate Sara, I hope I never have to meet her.

Thinking about Eleanor and Sara, has gotten me thinking about my own relationship with Olivia, we have been through a lot together over the years, how we had finally ended up with being friends with benefits, that's the reason why I didn't judge Eleanor for agreeing to having an open relationship, from the way I see it, she did everything within her power to make that relationship with Sara to work, seem to me like Sara was just stringing Eleanor along for years, with no intention of ever settling down, of course I could be wrong.

I feel torn, did I want a relationship with Eleanor? My plan had been simple enough, Eleanor and I would have a one nightstand, get rid of the sexual tension between us, then I could get my relationship with Olivia back on track, however after last night, I can no longer deny that I had develop feelings towards Eleanor, the idea of having feelings towards another woman, who isn't Olivia makes me feel guilty, because I'm still in love with Olivia, I need to get out of here, I need time to myself, to gather my thoughts as well as my feelings.

I slip out of bed as carefully as possible trying not to wake Eleanor, tiptoeing around the room, I locate my clothes except my knickers, since I have no idea where Eleanor put them, I check my phone, it has 5% battery life, damn it, that when I also noticed the time and a message from Lisa reminding me that I had promise to go with her and her daughter, my god daughter Mara to the zoo today, I had completely forgotten, I glanced back at a sleeping Eleanor, my heart melts a little, turning my attention back to my phone, I reply to Lisa.

I didn't want to just leave without saying anything to Eleanor, non-did I have the heart to wake her, I look around the room for some paper and a pan to write Eleanor a note, leaving it by her bedside, I take one last look at a sleeping Eleanor, who was now lying on her side, holding the pillow I had be using, tightly against her body, once again I find that I couldn't stop a smile from appearing on my face, it took all my strength and willpower to resist the urge to kiss Eleanor.

I force myself to leave the hotel room as quietly as possible, making my way down to the reception area, where I asked the young man behind the desk to order me a taxi, within twenty minutes, I'm sitting in the back of a taxi on my way home, by the time I walked through my front door, my phone was completely dead, putting it on charge next to my bed before jumping into a shower.

While I was in the shower, my mind started wondering back to my amazing night with Eleanor along with all the possibilities of us having a future together, how would us having a relationship effect our jobs? with that last thought my mind travels back around to Olivia, and our relationship, I remember what Olivia had said to me back in my office the other day, "as long as I'm in your life, your never be free, you will never let someone else in or be with someone, who can give you the life you deserve... Someone like Dr O'Hara," I hear Olivia's voice in my head, how had I forgotten that? shaking my head in an attempt to get both Eleanor and Olivia out of my head, I get out of the shower and get ready for my day, I put jeans and a T-shirt on, while tiring up my hair into a ponytail, I apply some light makeup, before making myself a cup of coffee, I grab my phone from the bedside table.

I text Lisa as I leave my flat, informing her that I was just leaving and I hope she had breakfast ready for me, as I was starving, I jump into a taxi, Lisa texts back telling me she was making waffles, making my mouth water.

Within half an hour, I had barely walked thought the door, when I got jumped on by little Mara, who was over excited at seeing me, if I'm being honest, I'm excited myself to spend the day with my favourite girl, as we eat breakfast, she is telling me all about school and this new friend she has made.

After Breakfast I help Lisa clean up, while Mara gets her things together, "MUM! I CAN'T FIND MY SHOE'S," she yells from upstairs, Lisa lets out a sigh while shaking her head, before leaving the kitchen, the second she stepped out of the kitchen, my phone started to ring, taking my phone out of my back pocket, hoping it isn't work, checking caller I.D, my screen has O'Hara, written across it, I smile as my heart skips a beat.

"Hi, you," I say with a smile, I crumple up my face, at how stupid that must of sounded.

"Hi Yourself," I could hear the smile in her voice.

"So?" I had no idea what to say or do, as I suddenly become nervous.

"So, you left without saying goodbye," Eleanor tells me, making me feel bad.

"I left a note," I tell her, wondering if she hadn't seen it.

"Sorry I had to go,,, wasn't much of a note," Eleanor tells me, sounding upset. There was a long pause as I wasn't sure what I was meant to say, "Look if last night was a one-time thing for you, I get it, I really do,,, it wasn't for me, please just be honest, you own me that much," Eleanor sounds like she was about to cry, I have no idea what to say.

"This isn't a conversation we should have over the phone," an image of Eleanor sleeping enters my mind, making my heart skip, in that moment I made my decision, "Eleanor, last night was... being with you..." God why was this so hard? I had wanted last night to be just a one-night stand, now I want something more, though I'm not sure I want a relationship with her, "I want to see you again, that much I know, am not sure where this will go, and I'm not making any promises," I tell Eleanor being as honest with her as possible, as well as myself, just then Mara runs back into the kitchen.

"Mums in the car waiting, we need to go now, or we will miss the lions," Mara says looking up at me with the biggest puppy dog eyes I have ever seen, I get down to her eye level.

"Am on the phone with my friend, so I'm going to need one more minute, go and help your mum, while I say goodbye to my friend," I tell Mara smiling softly at the little girl.

"Just hurry up," Mara orders me as she runs back out of the kitchen, I stand up smiling.

"Who's the little girl?" Eleanor asked me, I could hear she was trying her best not to laugh.

"That is my favourite girl in the whole world, she also happens to be the reason I didn't want to, wake you up, to give you a kiss goodbye, because if I did, I would most likely still be in bed next to you right now," I tell Eleanor before adding, "Plus I didn't have the heart to wake  you," I smile, remembering how adorable she looked.

"Well, that was very presumptuous of you, I could of just kick you out of my bed," Eleanor tells me, with a little chuckle letting me know she was teasing me.

"Aww, that's to bad, I was looking forward to date number two, however since you were planning on kicking me out of your bed this morning O'Hara, I guess we won't be having dinner again," I tell her, chuckling myself.

"Does that mean last night wasn't just a one-night stand?" Eleanor asked me, as Mara yelled from the doorway at me, to get in the car.

"I need to go; we can talk about it tomorrow over dinner?" I ask biting my lower lip.

"Sounds good to me, have a good day," Eleanor says, we say our goodbyes before hanging up.


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