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Casey pov:

Dee and I both woke up at 8 am, ready to tackle however the day goes.

Dee and I decided to cuddle for an hour before going to breakfast, recharging from last night, then got on with the day of teasing ahead of us.

Breakfast took an hour, so at 10 I went home to grab some sewing supplies and came back to the lair, I chose various soft purple fabrics. I had gotten inspiration from a certain turtle and wanted to sew the project right away.

I decided to skip calling the lawyer because it's Sunday, the only day he gets off. I didn't want to be greedy of his time so I'll call him tomorrow.

I was sitting on one of the bean bag chairs, working on my new project, Donnie was working on the retro mutagen, but only a few doses for Master Splinter and a few mutants that want to be human again, including Spiderbite.

Today was really a take it easy kind of day, each of us doing our own things.

The girls went to have another girls night out thing today, Leo's with Mikey watching cartoons, Master Splinter is in the dojo meditating, and Raph is in his room doing gods know what.

Over all, it was supposed to be a chill day.

*T-phone ringer here*

I picked up my phone, instantly recognizing the number and picking up.

"Hello Mr. Ther." I told him as politely as I could, Donnie turned to me.

"Casey, my boy, why haven't you come to sign the wills yet? I'm growing impatient and you haven't even given me a call." He said as professionally as he could.

"I'm so sorry sir. A few hours after you called, I fell into a three day coma, I just got home yesterday and was extremely tired, and today I didn't want to intrude on your only day off. I'm still in New York." I told him, being about 90 percent honest.

I can't tell him "my mutant boyfriend wanted me to not think about the wills yesterday cause of extra stress!"

Donnie gave me a worried glance.

"I see... Was the coma related to any sort of accident?" He asked me.

"No sir, I just got really sick again with the illness that caused me to have to sign wills." I told him, I could almost hear the shocked face of the lawyer.

Donnie rested his hand on my shoulder.

"I-I see..." I heard him stutter.

He cleared his throat before speaking again.

"When can you come to New Jersey to get this done?" He asked.

"Will Wednesday work for you?" I ask him.

"Yes, it will. See you then." He tells me.

"Ok." I respond.

We both hang up, I shakily put my phone down and face Donnie, silently pleading for a hug.

He took me into his arms as silent tears fell from my eyes.

Why do I get so worked up when he calls?! Why is it terrifying?!

I felt a kiss on my forehead.

"Please calm down, love... I know this is hard for you, but you're going to exhaust yourself." He tells me, playing with my hair.

He sits on his knees in front of me as I leaned into him, relaxing with more touch from him.

"There you go... There's my Casey... Come back here, with me in my lab..." He tells me, helping me ground myself.

"... I-I'M so s-sor-rry, babe... I-I just get so... S-so!..." I trail off of my thought.

"I understand, no need to apologize... I just need you to breathe for me... You're starting to scare me and you need to calm down." He told me.

I thought for a moment, then I realized I was hyperventilating. Quickly after I realized, my breathing was, somewhat, normal.

Donnie pressed his forehead to mine, both of us closing our eyes.

I already felt so much calmer with him, then he whispered sweet nothings to me as he continued to play with my hair and start rubbing my back.

"Just keep breathing like that for me, nice and deep." He said slowly and calmly.

(I know some of ya nasties took that last part wrong. I'm Ace, not innocent.)

I let out a sigh of contentment, much calmer now than earlier.

"I am just going to sit here, with you in my arms, keeping you nice and calm... We don't want to put strain on your heart and lungs more than we have to, right?" He halfway joked.

I giggle a bit.

"Then we would have to stop seeing each other cause when I see you, you make my heart race and my lungs can't keep up." I tried flirting with him(tho not really well cause the author doesn't know how to flirt).

His face turned really red and he kissed me on the cheek.


"... Love, as much as I'd like to stay, we'll go boom if I don't remove the retro mutagen from the heat." He tells me, hurriedly.

I let him go and he moved the retro mutagen to it's final phase.

"Now, just to mix it with April's DNA... And done! Now we have 10 doses of retro mutagen!" He yelled as he bottled the ten of them.

When he was bottling the 11th, he felt so proud of himself, then I could see a bit of sadness.

"... Master Splinter will finally be human again... But what will he do?" He asks me with a frown.

"Oh Don... Splinter will probably stay here, using his human form to get necessities much easier, maybe getting a job topside, but he'll never leave you 4... Not like that." I tell him, sneaking up behind him and placing a hand on his shoulder.

He smiles at me.

"Yeah, you're right... Thank you, Mí amor." He told me as he set the dosage down and kissed me on the cheek again.

I felt my cheeks go warm again.

For the rest of the day, we just stayed in the the other's addicting presence, my project being put on hold...

But damn he'll look good in that fucking suit I am making him right now.
1040 words

After this chapter, I'm going on a break for a while. A girl I know made a comment that just shattered my confidence so I'm taking some time to heal. I'll post another chapter when I'm ready, but for now, this and all of my stories are on hold.

Hopefully, see you guys soon.

Sora signing off.

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