Chapter 8

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After our date to Disney, Chris and I had basically been attached at the hip at any chance we could before he had to leave for filming. I had to fly out to France for Pitch Perfect 3 filming at the beginning of February, and I had been here for a week so far. Chris was in Atlanta filming a marvel movie but wasn't allowed to say which, although I have an idea.

"You know, Valentines Day is coming up..." Chris said. We were currently FaceTiming while I was getting ready for bed.

"Yea? Are you asking me to be your Valentine Mr. Evans?" I smirked at him as he was in his trailer, changing to his Captain America suit for his night shoot.

"I'd like to ask you to be more than just my Valentine...I'm thinking more along the lines of my girlfriend. I wanted to ask when I got back and had a chance to come see you in New York but I literally don't think I can wait."

I smile widely at him, "I'd love to be your Valentine and your girlfriend Chris."

"Good, because I would have flown to France if you said no." I laughed and shook my head at him.

"When do you get back to New York?" He asks. I look at my phone calendar and see I get back the day before Valentines Day, "I get back February 13th." He groans, "I won't be back until the 18th...but what if I came just for the night?"

"Chris...we can just do something after." He shakes his head, "no. I want to see you and ask you to be my girlfriend the right way." I smile at him and see a PA walk into his trailer.

"Hey, I have to go. I'll see you soon." He blows a kiss at the camera with a wink. "Tell Lizzie I miss her!" "Wow. Okay, I see how it is." He rolls his eyes and I smile, "I miss you too. I'll see you soon." He hangs up and I flop down on my bed.

"So, what's been going on in Reese world?" I look over at Anna as we sit in hair and makeup the next morning. "You wouldn't believe me if I told you..." "Oh so its GOOD then...Who's the guy??" I smile and shake my head as Rebel Wilson and Hailee Steinfeld enter the trailer. "What guy??" Hailee asks and I blush. "Guysss." "Thank god you got rid Glen, what an asshole." I glare at Rebel and she shrugs, "Just saying!"

"I've kinda been seeing someone..." They all squeal and look at me. "He took me to Disney World on our second date..." "OH MY GOD WHAT?! How romantic!" Hailee yells and they all basically jump up and down. "Okay! Okay! You know how Elizabeth Olsen is one of my best friends?" They all nod and wait for me to continue. "Well she set me up with Chris Evans." Their jaws drop and they stare at me. "No way!" I nod and they squeal again. "Okay, okay, calm down." I blush as they all start talking amongst themselves about him.

"He's a really great guy. We filmed Scott Pilgrim together all those years ago." Anna laughed and smiled at me, "I really love this for you, Ree."

"So how's the sex?" "Rebel!!" Hailee slaps her upside the head, "ow! It's a valid question!" I roll my eyes as she rubs the back of her head. "Honestly, we haven't slept together yet...other things...but we haven't done it yet. I was thinking Valentine's Day...he's going to flying into New York for the night since he's away filming too." They all nod at me with big smiles and we get started with filming.

"You should dress up. You know, a little role play action." "For their first time?" Anna questions and Rebel nods. "Yea, be a sexy Captain America. Dress up in a red, white, and blue lingerie number that looks like it could be from the 40's and then a shield. There's NO way Captain Perfect hasn't had that fantasy before. Plus, all men love a good role play."

"Not for their first time together!" Anna pauses and a look crosses her face, "Well...maybe just the shield?" "Guys!" They both look at me and I sigh, "I was thinking a romantic dinner and some wine...maybe some red lingerie because it's Valentine's Day..." They kept arguing about what I should wear and do as I tuned them out and looked at my phone.

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