Chapter 15

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My heart raced as I stared at my ringing phone. I knew the photos of Miles and I looked bad from the angles they took it at, but I'm terrified of what he could say or think right now. I sighed and answered the phone, "Chris?" I said, my voice breaking.

"What the hell is going on, Reese?" He demanded, anger and hurt coming through his voice.

"Chris, it's not what it looks like. Miles and I are just friends. You know that. I swear to you it was just a hug." I took a deep breath, my voice shaking with nerves. "A hug that looked a lot more like a kiss," his tone was harsh as he continued, "and then he was seen leaving your apartment dressed in a different outfit then he arrived in. What am I supposed to think about that??"

I groan, frustrated, "You're supposed to trust me. That article and photos are twisted. They do that all the time, you should know that. I told you it was just a hug, nothing else, why would I lie to you. We've never been more than friends."

"Yea, friends who mess around in Central Park before hugging and kissing after lunch dates?" Chris asked, his voice rising.

"Are you serious right now? Is that really what you think happened?" I said, frustration still present in my voice.

"I don't know what to believe, Reese. Hell. You met my family. Not to mention the whole world thinks you're cheating on yet another guy with Miles Teller. I look like an idiot."

"Chris, please," I begged, feeling tears welling up in my eyes. "You know that whole thing with Glen wasn't true. The media and Glen twisted that too. I would never do anything like that. Don't you know that??" There was a long pause on the other end of the line before Chris spoke again, "I just need some time to think about all of this. I don't know what to believe right now." Chris's voice wavered a little before continuing, "I can't just see those photos and brush it off like it's nothing."

"Chris please don't. Miles-" "I'll call you when I'm ready to talk again." He cut me off and the line went dead. The phone slid out of my hands and landed on the rug below me. I buried my face into one of my couch pillows and began to sob. Dakota immediately was at my side, rubbing my back to console me. Sebastian took a seat on the other side of me as they let me cry for a few minutes.

"I can't believe this is happening again!" I cried. "He wouldn't even give me a chance to explain it further."

"He's just in shock and confused right now," Dakota said soothingly, still rubbing my back. "He's probably just reacting to the pictures without thinking it through. He'll call back." Sebastian nodded in agreement. "He's one of my best friends, I know him. He's not the type of asshole like Glen is. He's an emotional guy and I know how much this past week with you meant to him. The article probably just shocked him and just needs time to process. I know he doesn't actually think you'd cheat on him. He's likely just anxious and overthinking." I let the tears continue to fall down my face and Dakota quickly wiped them away.

"Those damn paparazzi need to quit twisting things around just to make a story. I'm sorry this keeps happening to you babe." Dakota said, pulling me into a hug. She kept me close as someone knocked loudly on my door. Sebastian got up to go unlock the door.

"How is she?" "Not great."


Lizzie came into view quickly and rushed over to my side, joining our hug. I sobbed a little more in both of their arms as Sebastian brought a glass of water over to me. Lizzie pulled away and wiped away some of my tears. I took a deep breath and looked at her, "I just don't know what to do. I feel like everything in my life just always falls apart because of stupid fucking paparazzi photos and lies."

Lizzie kept a comforting hand on my shoulder and made me look at her, "he'll come around when he's had time to process the shock of the article and photos. Then you can both sit down and talk things out. I know you and Miles would never do this." She pulled me back into a hug as I cried.

"In the meantime, we're here for you. Whatever you need." Sebastian says from his seat on the couch. I managed to give him a small smile, "thank you."

We all continued to sit in silence for a minute until Sebastian's phone rang. "Shit. Just a minute." He got up and walked away into one of my guest rooms.

"Do you want us to spend the night?" Lizzie asked. "You don't have too, but it would be nice." I mumbled and they both laughed a little. "We'll stay." Dakota said and grabbed the TV remote, turning on the Notebook. "Thank you." I gave her a small smile and we cuddled up under a blanket together.

"I need to call my sister." I said and Dakota hands me my phone. I quickly find Blake's contact and she picks up after a few rings.

"Reese??? What's going on??" I sniffle a little, "Chris think's I cheated on him with Miles because of those paparazzi photos." I hear Ryan in the background for a moment as Blake sighs, "Reese there's no way he thinks that. Did you talk to him?" "Yea. He wouldn't listen. I tried to tell him it was just a hug and that the whole article was out of context and to stir shit. I didn't even get a chance to tell him that Miles is planning on proposing to his girlfriend." "Shit. Have you talked to Miles?" She asked. "No. He's probably on a flight to California by now from PA, I'll text him though." Blake sighed and I heard Ryan asking for the phone.

"Reese's Pieces?" "Yea Ryan?" "I'm going to go 100% Deadpool on him if he believes that shit, I don't care if he's Captain fucking America or not. Next Deadpool movie will be Deadpool vs. The Avengers, I don't care." I give him a small laugh, "thanks Ryan."

"I'm getting the article and images removed right now. Sophia reached out to some of the more credible publications and gave a comment saying the images were taken out of context and that nothing happened. It was just two friends getting lunch. She said Miles' publicist saw them and reached out with a comment as well."

"Thank you, I love you both." I sniffled again and Blake took the phone back from him, "we love you too. Come over if you need us or James cuddles, okay?" "I will. Dakota and Lizzie are going to spend the night with me." I heard her sigh. "Good. I love you. Watch the Notebook and have some pizza." I smile softly, "Way ahead of you. I love you too."

We hang up and Lizzie takes my phone, placing it on the coffee table. "Well that was Chris." Sebastian says, walking back into the room. "I told him I was with you now and he's calmed down a bit. He's still kinda in a daze I guess but he understands the photos leaving the apartment were out of context, I think. It also didn't sound like he wants to break up with you Reese so...that's kinda good right?" I let out another soft cry and and bury my head into Lizzie's shoulder. "Seb, not helping." Sebastian scratches the back of his head and gives Lizzie a sheepish smile, "Sorry."

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