Chapter 87

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It was finally Christmas time. Not only was I excited for this years Christmas but I was also excited to finally give birth. I couldn't take it anymore but I had to wait a week until my scheduled c-section or if my water breaks. Whichever comes first. I woke up to an empty bed and groaned slightly. Chris was probably with the kids.

Chris and I had gotten all of our decorations sorted, well Chris, Scott, and Ryan did the decorations while Blake and I supervised and drank hot chocolate and non alcoholic eggnog that Lisa brought over the other day. James eagerly decorated the tree that she helped Chris pick out. He took her in my place and she was thrilled to be involved.

"I guess we should get up huh Dodge?" I said, looking at the fluffy brown dog next to me. "He licked my face and I smiled. I was shocked he wasn't downstairs already.

I finally sat up and dragged myself up and out of bed, changing into some long pajama pants and a top, before following the smell of bacon downstairs. Chris and Ryan were in the kitchen with the kids, chatting over coffee while breakfast was cooking. Well, Ryan was cooking...and he was cooking his infamous Mickey Mouse pancakes.

"Mama!" Chase yelled as he spotted me. "Good morning baby." I kissed his head and walked over to Chris, wrapping my arms around him. "How are you feeling?" He asked. "Tired. Fat. In pain." I mumbled. "Well I hate to break it to you, Reese's Pieces but you're going to be tired for the next 18 years." Ryan said, flipping a pancake.

"Thanks for reminding me." I mumbled. "You're welcome. I live to crush your spirits."

"REE REE!" James yelled, barreling into the kitchen. She collided with my legs, nearly knocking me over. She would have too if I wasn't being held by Chris. I looked down at her and she smiled up at me. "What's up Jamie?" I asked her. "When is the baby coming out of your tummy?" She asked, poking my stomach and giggling as she felt him kick back at her. "Soon I hope."

"I want to meet him!"

"Me too." Chris chimed in, kissing my temple. "Jamie where's mommy?" Ryan asked his daughter. "In there with Nezzy." She pointed towards the living room before attempting to climb onto a chair at the kitchen table. Chris walked over and helped her so Ryan could bring her breakfast. James got started and happily started eating while I helped Chase eat his breakfast. Most of it ended up on his face or smashed on the table but he tried.

"Ree, sweetheart, I've got some meetings today. Will you be okay here with Ryan?" Chris asked, kissing my forehead and placing his hands on my shoulders. "Please don't leave me with him..." I whined and leaned my head against his hard stomach. "Love you too Reese's Pieces!" Ryan yelled from the kitchen island. "Where will Blake be?" I asked.

"Blake is taking the girls to the museum with my ma. Some special interactive exhibit is going on." Chris replied and I groaned again. "You love me!" I rolled my eyes at Ryan and puckered my lips for Chris to give me a kiss. He obliged and leaned down for the kiss before kissing Chase on the cheek. Chase giggled as Chris blew air on his face and yelled, "No dada!!"

Chris kissed my cheek again, "I gotta go get ready, love you." "Love you too." He ran towards our room as my eyes focused on James' iPad that was playing Mickey Mouse. I can't tell you how long I was zoned in on it but it was long enough for Chris to leave and Blake to get Inez ready for the day for their outing to the museum.

"Bye, love you." Blake said, kissing Ryan and then waving at me as she walked out of the door.

"Can you promise not to be annoying today?" I asked Ryan. "Nope! I'm going to take a shower."

Ryan walked off and I looked at Chase and Dodger at my feet. "Just me and my favorite 2 boys. Dad is no longer a favorite of mine. He left me with Ryan." Dodger barked and wagged his tail. "Come on, let's go watch some reality tv." I cleaned Chase's face before picking him up and realizing he needed a diaper change. I made a face as I took him into his room to change him before going back to the living room.

Dodger jumped up on the couch with me as I set chase in the little play pen with different blocks and sensory toys. He mainly threw them or chewed on them but it kept him occupied. I turned on the Kardashians and relaxed on the couch, my hand constantly petting Dodger. Ryan came down later, changing the channel to something else after complaining about my choice of tv show.

"Can you take me to get my favorite muffins and donuts?" I asked, turning my head to look at Ryan. "No." He mumbled, biting into an apple. "Please?" I asked again. "No again." I groaned and threw a pillow at him. "Please!"

"Chris said not to take you out of the house." I huffed and crossed my arms. "Then can you go get my favorite muffins and donuts?" "No again." I groaned and pouted much like my 5 year old niece. "God you look like James when you do that." He laughed. "Please?" I whined again. If I annoyed him enough, he would cave. "Reese, no." "Why?"

"Because Chris said not to leave you alone in case you go into labor." I rolled my eyes at this.

"I'm not going into labor anytime soon. Clearly." I motioned to my stomach, "can you please?" Ryan groaned and stood up. "Fine. If you'll stop whining. Let's go." I smiled and took his outstretched hands to help pull myself off the couch. "I'll grab the mini Evans." I gave Dodge a quick bone as we got ready to leave. "It's a quick trip, we don't need that." I said pointing at Chase's diaper bag and my own hospital bag. Ryan rolled his eyes, "let's just make this quick so Captain Perfect Ass doesn't yell at me."

We got into the car and Ryan drove off towards my favorite bakery in Boston. "Stay in the car." Ryan said, pointing at me and I gave him a mock salute. "Mama!" I looked back at Chase who was playing with his socks. "What baby?" He smiled and giggled, flailing his arms. "Look at you, you're so handsome." I mumbled. "You look just like your daddy." I reached back and tickled his foot before I felt myself about to sneeze.

Suddenly, I sneezed and felt a gush of water leave my eyes widened and in that instant I knew my water just broke. "They didn't have the chocolate ones but they- what's wrong" Ryan sat in the car and looked at me. I continued to stare at him with wide eyes. Realization crossed his face and he looked at me. "No. Don't say it. I swear to god don't fucking say it."

"My water just broke."

"You had to fucking say it."

A/N: Sorry for the slow updates!! I have a few chapters after this mapped out but the few in between I have writers block for lol ... so I'm sorry if this chapter isn't as good as I wanted it to be :(

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