Chapter 40

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"I'm Tara." She stuck her hand out and I shook it gently.

"Reese." "I know. Come in!" She ushered us inside, clinging to Chris, and pulled him away to greet some of his other old friends. I stood a little awkwardly off to the side in the entry way until Scott came up to me. "Hey Ree!" He threw his arm around my shoulder and pulled me further inside and towards Carly and Shanna. "Reese!" Carly yelled, pulling me into a group hug with Shanna. "Hey! I'm glad to see some people I know." I laughed. "Chris will introduce you to people." Shanna said. I looked over at Chris who was laughing loudly at something a friend of his said.

"Ree! Come here." Chris started waving me over. I walked towards him and he pulled me by the waist and into his side as I got closer. "Reese, this is Adam and James. Guys, Reese. They both have been good friends of mine since highschool." "Nice to meet you both." I held out my hand for both of them and they shook it gently. "You too. We've heard so much about you. I mean honestly, he hasn't shut up since he met you! I'm happy for you both." James replied.

"So you two are the ones to go to for embarrassing stories about Chris in highschool?" "Oh definitely." James laughed. "Am I going to regret introducing you three?" Chris laughed and Adam slapped him on the back. "Definitely. Did he ever tell you about when he ripped his pants in front of the whole school?" Chris's eyes widened and Adam was laughing. I shook my head, "No!"

"Yea he was the lead in the school play and there was a part where he had to bend down to pick something up. The whole school was there and the pants just-" "Oh my god! I remember that!" Tara cut him off, inserting herself into the conversation. "He bent over and his pants ripped right open and fell down!His underwear had ducks on it! The whole school saw." She laughed loudly and threaded her arm through Chris's arm that wasn't around my shoulders, leaning against him. Everyone was laughing but I couldn't quite focus. I wouldn't say I'm a jealous girlfriend, but she hadn't been the nicest and she had been all over him.

Chris however was completely oblivious. Naturally. We already had this issue with Ashely. Plus he was busy catching up with old friends and enjoying himself. Tara was just an old friend. An overly excited to see him friend who had been glaring at me...but an old friend nonetheless. As the night continued, her behavior towards me got a little more standoffish. She was practically glued to his side and any attempt Chris or his friends made to include me in conversation she would interrupt or change the subject. Not to mention the many times she pulled him off somewhere to go parade him around to people.

I was standing alone next to the bowl of snacks, placing some on a small plate when someone walked up next to me. "Those are really good." I looked to my right and saw Adam pointing at the brownies on my plate. "I made them." "Then tell her she needs to watch out for food poisoning." Chris laughed loudly and walked up behind me wrapping his arms around my neck. I elbowed him in the stomach and turned my head so he could kiss me. Eventually we made our way back to the crowd of people we found ourselves talking with James, Adam, a few other people, and Tara. Chris had excused himself to go to the restroom, giving me a quick peck on the cheek.

"So, Pitch Perfect 3 is coming out soon right?" James asked me. I smiled and nodded. "Yea! Sometime in the next few months." "How was filming?"

"Honestly it was fun to film. I was basically paid to hang out with my friends in Europe." I joked. "Why would they even make a third one? The first and second ones weren't even that great." Tara shrugged and took a sip of her drink. "Tara." Adam said through gritted teeth. "No, it's fine. It's not for everyone." I smiled at her and looked for Chris. "What else have you been in?" She asked me. "Um..a few things..." I took a sip of my drink, "Hairspray, John Tucker Must Die, Something Great. I was just in Balde Runner name a few." She nodded again. "So nothing that is actually worth watching?"

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