Chapter 27

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Chris's POV

I fucked up.

Reese was sending all of my calls to voicemail. I groaned and slammed my hand against the counter. God, I'm so stupid. Ashley really is just a friend...I would never date her in a million years. She only wanted to be with me because it got her recognized. She loved the paparazzi and everything that came with my status. I groaned and looked down at the message that caused this entire issue.

I heard you were in LA
Call me ;)

Reese was right...the wink was more than friendly. God, what have I done? If Glen sent her a message like that, she's right. I would be pissed. The entire Gucci situation didn't help either. Why the hell do I have to get so defensive. I'm so stupid.

I sat there staring at my phone for what felt like hours. I ended up texting Ryan because maybe, just maybe, he could get her to talk to me.

Can you please tell Reese to text me back
or call?

Ryan Reynolds
I can try...
She was in a MOOD this morning

Yea, that's my fault

Ryan Reynolds
She said to tell you that you're an idiot

Yea, I know, I know
Thanks for trying

Fuck. How the hell am I supposed to fix this. My phone rang and I saw an incoming call from Scott. "Hey, Scott." I said. "Hey. What the hell is wrong with you?" "Great, you know." I groaned and he sighed on the other line. "Yea. Reese called me after she saw the message come through on your phone. Wanted to know if I knew Ashley. I just told her to talk to you because I figured you'd have some sort of explanation as to why she was texting you with flirty fucking emojis. And based on her text to me, you didn't have a good one."

"I know. I know. I fucked up the entire conversation with her and got defensive. I barely ever talk to Ash and I figured that she knows about me and Reese..." I took a deep breath and sighed.

"Do you think that matters to a girl like Ashley? She's psycho." He says. He's right. "Well I didn't until just now!" I groaned and put my head on the counter.  "And seriously, you compared the situation to Glen?" "Okay! I get it! I fucked up." I snapped. He remained quiet for a moment.

"I wasn't thinking. I love Reese. I'd never cheat on her. Ashley and I are just friends but yea I see it now. Reese already gave me an earful about it before she hung up so I don't need to hear it from you too."

"She's pissed but she doesn't hate you. Just fly to New York and talk to her." Scott replied. I sighed and looked at the calendar on my fridge. "I can't. I have an audition tomorrow." "Be realistic, Chris. How well is your audition going to go when you're distracted?"

"Probably not well..." "So go. Tell Ashley to back off too. Block her, I don't care. Do something other than just being oblivious to the flirting." I sighed, he was right. "Alright. Thanks for calling, Scott. If you talk to Reese just tell her I'm sorry." "Tell her yourself. Gotta go, bye."

Great. Tough Love. He hung up the phone and I threw it on the counter. I quickly called Nick and asked him to try and reschedule the audition. He was pissed but he understood and got it done anyway. He needs a raise. I decided to book the next flight out to New York to talk to Reese. I was going to try to talk her into going to Boston with me. I knew she loved New York, but I wanted to be back in Boston. I needed to be back in Boston and just relax. I packed up my stuff and made my way towards the airport.

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