Chapter 104

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The minute we got back to Boston, Chris was taking me to my OB to check on baby number 3. He was completely over the moon and convinced that this baby was going to be a girl. "So it's still very early stages, but you do look to be about 10 weeks along." Dr. Parker explained, pointing out our baby on the ultrasound.

I felt Chris squeeze my hand as he stared at the screen. "I need printouts."

Dr. Parker laughed slightly, "Of course, I'll get you some." "He's convinced this one is a girl." I said, smiling at her. "Could be! We'll just have to wait and see." She smiled, "Okay, Reese. You know the drill." She started before going over a few things before we left the office. All things I knew from my past two pregnancies but it never hurts to hear them again.

Chris was practically vibrating in his seat as he drove us back home. He already had an entire plan to tell everyone that I was expecting and honestly, I just let him do his thing. If he wanted to plan it, he could plan it. "We should tell everyone soon." He said as he drove us back home where Scott was currently babysitting. "Whenever you want." I said, smiling at him. "But I want you to be involved." He frowned slightly and I rolled my eyes. "Chris, I assure you, I am very involved." I joked, rubbing my stomach.

He took a few glances at me and smiled before I laced our fingers together and rubbed his forearm gently. "I'm really fine with telling everyone however you want. But I do want to tell Blake and Ryan first." "Of course." Chris smiled, pulling my hand up to his lips and dropping a soft kiss there.

The rest of the ride home, Chris talked about how he wanted to tell his family and decided the best way to do that would be at Disney World... don't ask me why... but I think he just wanted an excuse to take the kids and everyone to Disney.

Once we got back, Dodger was quick to greet us at the door and resumed following me around... as he seemed to do whenever I was pregnant. Not that I minded, I loved Dodger as my shadow. "Thanks for watching them, Scott." I overheard Chris talking to Scott. "No problem! We had a good time, didn't we Chase??" "YES! Uncle Scoot is the best!!" Chase yelled. Right, he called Scott, Uncle Scoot. It was a mistake one day... but a mistake that stuck and now Scott will forever be known as Scoot in the house.

"Hear that, I'm the best Uncle ever." Scott said, winking at me as I appeared in the living room. "For now." I joked, smirking over at him. "For ever!" Scott replied with a large smile and looked at Chase who was holding a Captain America action figure and an Iron Man action figure. "Chase who's your favorite Uncle?" Scott asked him. "Uncle Iron Man!" He yelled, holding up the toy.

"And this is my villain origin story." Scott said, looking back at me as I laughed.

"Hey Scott, are you free in a few weeks?" Chris asked, looking at the calendar on his phone. "Probably? Why?"

"I'm just planning a family vacation." Chris shrugged. "Okay cool." Scott replied, asking zero questions. He probably would ask a million questions later, he was nosey, but for now he probably assumed it would be Disney. The Evans and going to Disney was just a very common vacation.

"Alright, well I'm off. Let me know if you need anything." Scott said, pulling me into a hug before leaving the house. He was currently staying with Lisa while he was in town, but I knew he was going back to LA soon.

"Did you find a good date to go to Disney?" I now asked Chris once we were alone. "Disney??!" Chase screamed at the top of his lungs, now abandoning the action figures to run up to his dad and latch onto his pants. "Daddy Disney???" Chase attempted to now shake Chris's leg back and forth. "Yes, buddy?" Chris looked down at him and Chase started jumping up and down. "Disney!!" "Chase, you're going to wake Rome up, stop yelling please." I said, looking over at Rome who was cuddled up on the couch, asleep.

"Sorry mommy..." He said looking at me and then back at Chris. "Disney??" He now whisper yelled. This kid. "Yes, Chase, Disney." Chris laughed. Chase went to yell but then quickly looked at me and stopped and continued to jump and run around.

"Chase, why don't you go play with Dodge outside?" Chris suggested. Maybe that would get his hyperactivity out of his system for a bit. "Okay! Come on Dodgey!" Chase ran off towards the yard and Dodger happily followed him. Chris followed behind as well to help Chase open the back yard door, but once they were outside, Chase and Dodger took off.

"Mommy?" I looked over and saw Rome sitting up on the couch, rubbing his eyes. "Hey buddy." I sat down next to him and he crawled onto my lap. "Hungy." He mumbled. "Chris??" I looked over the couch and he hummed in response, "Pizza for dinner?" "Sounds good to me!" He said and I just assumed he would order it.

In the meantime, I passed Rome the kids ipad with one of his favorite shows playing and he was instantly occupied. "Carly and Shanna are free the weekend I'm planning." Chris said, sitting down next to me on the couch and I cuddled up next to him. "Yea?" "Yea, can you see if Blake and Ryan are free?" He now asked.

"Ryan won't be. I know his schedule. But Blake will be, and I know James and Nez would love Disney."

"Okay, I'm going to put them down for yes." Chris said before walking off to his office. I kept an eye on Rome and Chase outside who appeared to be chasing Dodger around outside with a ball. God he was such an energetic kid that just watching him was exhausting. Once he and Dodger came back inside, I got him a snack and set up on the couch watching cartoons.

"Ma ma..." Rome mumbled, waking up and rubbing his eyes. "Hi baby." I said, pushing the hair out of his face. He happily cuddled up closer to me and Chase looked over at us. "Hi Romey!" Rome grunted slightly and held onto me. "Mommy, Rome is mean to me." Chase whined. "Chase, Rome is sleepy bud. And he's younger than you." Chase groaned and pushed off the couch. "I'm gonna go find daddy." Okay Chase, go bother your dad.

A/N: I'm sorryyyyyyyyyy that I fell off of the face of the earth when it came to updating this story LOL. Also sorry this chapter is kind of fillerish... I ran out of ideas here 😁😂❤️

I have quite a few more chapters planned out as well for this, so hopefully I can get those out to you guys soon and not like months in between!

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