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As soon as you see the scream happening in your lieutenants office, you promptly walk out and close the door behind you. You briskly walk to your office, shut the door, and set your stuff down to delve into your work. You sit down and realize that Price hasn't given you a new assignment yet, so you get up and try to quickly make your way from your office to his without seeing Ghost or Soap.
You get to Prices office and knock on the door, learning your lesson from last time, "Hey Price, I was wondering if you could give me my assignment now so I can get a jump start on it before the briefing, so I can a little clued in on what's going on," you're talking a mile a minute trying you omit what you had just seen from your brain.
"Hey, slow down, kid. I don't have another assignment for you yet, but I'll let you know as soon as one crosses my desk," Price says giving you a worried look, "is something wrong? And why are you on your feet? You should be resting, you were just injured."
"Oh, I'm fine, just IM me when you get something, I'll go back to my office and sit down," you say slowing down your speech and starting to calm down.
"Ok kid, also, cool it on the caffeine," his worried look fades away and turns into a confused look, "oh, and what is 'IMing'," he asks using air quotes.
"It's 'instant messaging', let me set you up with the program I use," you walk over to his computer, download the program, and give him a quick run through before you head back to your office.

You open the door to your office and see Soap sitting on your small couch.
"Hey Soap, what are you doing here?" You ask sounding guilty.
"We need to talk," he gestures for you too sit down, you do, "we both know what you saw."
"What I saw? I didn't see anything," you nervously laugh.
He looks at you seriously, "y/n, I really like you, and I still want to take you on a date," your heart flutters, "but I also really like Ghost, and I understand if you think it's weird, but Ghost and I have talked about me having a second partner because we've been together for a while, and—"
You cut him off, "I was with Ghost in my kitchen last night!"
"Oh?" He looks surprised, "So what do we—," He gets cut off again, but this time by Ghost.
"Briefing, now," he says quickly, then leaves.

You both get up and go to the briefing room. You sit down and Price starts,
"We have an emergency mission, we have active threats and need to head out today. I need everyone to go home and be back her by 4:30 pm, Sharp!" Price states firmly.
Everyone quickly heads home. When you get back to your flat you do some laundry from the last mission, pack your bag, and quickly get changed. Not long after you finish getting ready, you head out back to the office to meet back up with 141.

Once you get there, Price quickly ushers you onto a helicopter with the rest of the team a full half hour early than when Price told you all to be back.
When you land, you are immediately put into a combat zone. You have no choice but to fight back. You stay behind the rest of the team as Price brings you all into a building. Where you are swarmed with men with guns. You watch as your team flawlessly take them each out, except for one you quickly take out. I stand a little stunned for a second before Price puts a hand on your shoulder and ushers you along.
You watch as the rest of team come up to a room. Price and Ghost go in, you hear gunshots, then they quickly come back out.
"Good job, 141. Let's head to our base for the next few days," Price says.
You move together on high alert until you all come to a very small house.
The team moves into the house and gathers around the kitchen table.
"Ok, we got part of what we came for, but we will be here for a few days. We got two flash drives that is supposed to have some of the information we need," Price says setting two flash drives on the table, "y/n, you have a small set up in the living room for you to go through these. Everyone else, get some rest, we're going out again early in the morning. There are only two rooms, Gaz and I will share the smaller room, Soap, Ghost, and, y/n will share the bigger one."

You take the flash drives and put them in your pocket before heading to your room for the next few days to set down your stuff. You put your bag down and head to your computer.
You sit down and just take a breath. You feel done in, the series of events you had just gone through was intense. You had never shot somebody, let alone killed someone. You felt sick to your stomach. You quickly run to the bathroom to vomit.
As you are leaning over the toilet, Ghost comes in and sits on the edge of the bathtub next to you, "never shot someone, huh?" He asks. You're not sure if he's trying to comfort you or not.
"Never killed anyone," You shoot back, "I feel hollow," you say before vomiting again.
Ghost rubs your back, "it gets easier, especially when you know that in that moment, it's either them or you. And who knows what they have done or was going to do."
You wipe your face, sit back on your knees, and flush the toilet, "thanks, I think I just need to get a stronger stomach," you say before standing up and going to the sink to rinse out your mouth and clean your face.
Ghost gets up and stands behind you. When you bring your head up from the sink, he hugs you, "hang in there love," he says before he leaves and retreats to somewhere in the house.
You go back to your computer and officially go through the flash drives. You find plans for a biological weapon that these people were testing on innocent people. Suddenly you start to feel better about yourself.

As you sit there, compiling the notes, Price walks into the room, "hey kid, go take a nap, you'll need it to make it through the mission tonight. I'll look at the rest of the notes," he says comfortingly.
"Oh- thanks, but I already finished compiling them, all you need to do it go over them, I have a rough out line here," you say switching the tab before getting up and going to your room.
You walk into the room, only to see that there are only two beds, a queen size and a twin size that is perfectly pushed against the Queen fitting between the width of the room. Ghost and Soap are already asleep on the queen size.
You kick off your boots, and take off your vest and belt before crawling into the twin size, trying not to disturb the others. But just as you lay down, Soap rolls over to you, "hey, I heard you were having a hard time, lass."

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