◍Chapter 48: The Tooth of WoJira◍

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(A/n- Before I start, I'm giving you a warning since there's like an Angst scene mostly in the end. Just warning you.)

∘˚˳°3rd person∘˚˳°

Now, where was I? Oh yeah. Jay was being sacrificed to the mighty Wo-Jira as the others were tied up into a pole as they tried to get out of the ropes. (Y/n) was still knocked out after what the f*ck just happened with her.

Jay: "Guys? I see something! I see something!"

Nya: "Can you describe it?"

Zane: "Can you define something?"

Cole: "Does it have teeth?"

Kai: "These ropes are tough but I think I can burn through them!"

Kai uses his fire powers to burn through the ropes.

Nya: "Shh. They'll hear!"

Kai got his hands free as he started to burn through the ones on his legs. Once he was out, he started to help the other out of the rope.

Chieftain: "Let us hope this final sacrifice appeases Wo-Jira, once and for all."

Once he turned around, he saw that the ninja had gotten untied as they just looked at him back.

Chieftain: "Stop them!"

The ninja started to use Spinjitzu to attack the keepers. They started to go on the docks as many keepers just kept coming up to them to attack. Chieftain got ready to attack them but they just passed him as they started to head for Jay.

Lloyd: "Zane. A little ice?"

Zane started to use his powers to make an ice bridge to reach Jay.

Jay: "Somebody? Help! There's definitely something out here! Something big, and snakey, and growly..."

Nya: "Jay!"

Jay: "Oh. Thank goodness! It's so good to see you, guys."

Just when they were getting so close to Jay, a giant fireball was hit between them, making Jay get farther away from them.

Nya: "Over there! I see something!"

The giant figure just kept looking at them as it just surrounded them. Nya used her powers to hit it but it took no effect.

Kai: "What is it?"

Jay: "I don't know but it's big! Get me outta here before it comes back!"

Lloyd looks at Zane as he knew what Lloyd was about to do. Zane made an ice block for Lloyd to jump on and get to Jay. He started to untie Jay as the giant figure started to come back quickly.

Jay: "Hurry!"

Lloyd: "Just stay still."

It shot another fireball as it knocked off Lloyd off the raft. Lloyd swam back up as the fireball missed him.

Lloyd: "Jay?"

Jay: "I'm okay. I think I can get loose. I just need a few more..."

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