☆゚⁠.⁠*⁠・⁠。゚Chapter 50: Troubling Manners☆゚⁠.⁠*⁠・⁠。゚

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(A/n- (Y/n) puts a braid. I didn't colored it because I was in a rush so if you see some parts of (Y/n)'s parts missing like the bandage, that's why.)

∘˚˳°3rd person∘˚˳°

After that nightmare (Y/n) had, she has seen more of these kinds of dreams more and more often. But today, she had one that got her attention the most. A cave that had many marks on the wall that looked like the ones from the island. As she thought of that dream, she was just staring at her food as the others just ate.

Master Wu: "You seem to have something in your mind, (Y/n)."

(Y/n): "Huh? What? I don't."

Kai: "You're literally staring at your food like you don't want to eat it."

Cole: "If you want, I can eat it."

(Y/n): "Oh, no. I want to eat it and I appreciate it but... I'm not thinking about the food. I'm thinking about a dream I just had today."

Lloyd: "Is it the same dream as last time?"

(Y/n): "No. It's actually something new. This time, I was in a cave and I saw markings on the walls but it wasn't some random markings on the wall. It was the ones I saw from the island."

Nya: "What did they look like?"

She thought for a second before the memory of the markings on the cave came up.

(Y/n): "It was a person, who seems to be banishing evil from a small village. There was also one about another person or maybe it's the same person, who seems to be at war with many monsters. They were doing the same thing."

Jay: "Banishing evil? How? By using their powers?"

(Y/n): "Yeah but... There was light coming out of them like they... They found out their true potential."

Pixal: "I believe that this is what you are talking about."

Behind them, Pixal was standing there with a picture of the markings that were seen in the cave and in (Y/n)'s dream. (Y/n) was surprised when she saw the markings again.

(Y/n): "Yeah! That's the markings I saw!"

The markings were like how (Y/n) described them just now. One was protecting a small village while the other was at war, fighting monsters.

(Y/n): "Do you know where it is?"

Pixal: "Yes. It is far away from Ninjago City and is in an island. It's called Hiroshi's Labyrinth."

Lloyd: "I've been there once with my dad but I don't remember seeing a cave around there."

Pixal: "That's because the cave was hard to find since it's a maze. If someone would find it, they cannot enter. Only a person who had the power of the Symbol of Hope can enter."

Nya: "That means that (Y/n) can open the cave!"

(Y/n): "I've never been to Hiroshi's Labyrinth before. What if it doesn't work?"

Cole: "If it doesn't, then it's fine."

(Y/n): "Alright. To Hiroshi's Labyrinth we go!"

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