02 || Unexpected Suggestions

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// for Isla, who is a lovely friend (banner credit) //

I loved the feedback that I got on the first chapter. I thought it was quite a crappy start but omg you guys' comments just made me smile so much.  

And fyi this is not Dimitri's story even though for the first couple of chapters it's told from his view. I chose third person to give a glimpse into a lot of thoughts of Dimitri's and Juniper's. This IS Juniper's story. 

E N J O Y ! 

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Unexpected Suggestions

Dimitri Remirez leaned against the hood of his car as he looked up at the sky. His car was neither fashionable nor comfortable. It was run down, with useless pieces of metal assembled together. The engine was blasted and it took - what seemed to Dimitri - hours to make the car work. The car probably needed to be refuelled at least twice a day. In simple words it was a very crappy car.

Why was the universe always against him? His life at home was torturous and he thought Amanda could make it better. And she did. But now even that was taken away from him. He couldn't understand what he did to deserve this?

Amanda and him were getting along perfectly well. He should have know better and kept his mouth shut. If he had not told her that he loved her maybe that that wouldn't have driven her away. That was the fatal flaw in their relationship; Dimitri's love. At least that was what he thought.

He continued to stare at the sky, his sight blurring every few seconds as he mulled over the past and spotted out the mistakes, flaws, things he should have not done to make her turn away from him.

And then it suddenly hit him like he was splashed with ice cold water. Amanda and Dimitri would always enjoy themselves and just like that, in an instant, Dimitri was viewing everything in a new angle. Everything she did was fake.

They set him up. Dimitri Remirez was a joke. And even if Amanda Obereen liked Dimitri, it simply didn't matter. People would do anything for popularity and for Amanda that was humiliating Dimitri. True feelings were simply set aside. True feelings were seen as the evil while popularity as the good.

"Argh!" Dimitri exclaimed at last as he let out all his anger into a kick against his car. Tears begun to gather in his eyes and he fisted his hand as he tried to keep his anger in check. "Dad's right. I'm a fool," he said so softly that he could not even hear his own delicate whisper.

He blinked rapidly trying to rid any tears before they spilt over. How could he be such a fool?

"Hi!" Juniper chirped as she jumped in front of Dimitri.

He jumped a little startled by her actions as he stared at the blonde haired girl that stood before him. She always kept dying her hair. One week it was blonde and then the following week it would be a dark red, almost a brown colour. Dimitri could never decide what colour she looked better with. "What's up, Dimmy?" Juniper nudged as leaned against the hood of his car beside Dimitri, smiling as always.

What Dimitri would never be able to understand was how Juniper Stauff could be cheerful and happy and always full of joy. Did she ever feel sad or even lonely or not content with life?

"Don't call me Dimmy," he said, his voice low and it almost sounded hostile.

"You love being called Dimmy," she argued.

"No," he said giving her a pointed look. "I hate it."

"But it's unique. And special," she winked.

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