14 || Unpleasant History

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// for Amber, who leaves amazing comments //

Welcome to one of my favourite chapters! I'm so excited for you guys to read this chapter and I'm super sorry for updating three weeks later. I know I promised weekly updates but then I went on hiatus due to my IGCSEs and I kept myself from updating on wattpad. Updates will return to once every Saturday but since I've been on hiatus for quite some time and missed out on updating 3 times, there will be another update on Tuesday/Wednesday. I'm not quite sure but do look out for it!

The word hemophobia pops up towards the end of this chapter and if you don't know what it means (because I didn't until I wrote this chapter lol) it means phobia (fear) of blood.

i also hit 1k followers and your support means so much to me. i love you all xx

E N J O Y !
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Unpleasant History

|| three years ago ||

The first time Juniper Stauff met Jeremy Cox she wasn't entirely impressed nor was she pleased with his rather exotic character.

Charlie had missed a day of school and Juniper decided she would take the responsibility of delivering his homework to him as well as Mrs Monroe's threat on his overdue assignments. She had stood on the porch of the Cox's household and rang the bell after collecting her breath. A cheery smile immediately took over her lips when she saw the door open to reveal a tall, lean boy. He had unruly blond curls that fell over his dark, hauntingly captivating brown eyes and a very forlorn expression on his face.

Juniper's greeting had died down in her throat once she got an overall look of the boy that stood before her, his figure towering high above her. He looked older than her but she couldn't exactly tell his age. God knows what age he was. She wasn't a mind-reader.

She quickly gathered herself and the cheery smile was back on her face as fast as a lightening bolt that it seemed like her smile had not faltered when in actual fact it had. "Hi," she chirped, smiling wider as she greeted the stranger.

"Uh, hey," he replied, his deep voice sounding groggy like he had just woken up from sleep. "What do you want?"

She tried her best to keep the smile on her face and not flinch at how clipped his voice sounded. She definitely did not approve of the tone he used on her, especially when she had greeted him in such a lovely way.

"I stopped by to give this to Charlie," she had said as she held out her hand and handed over the papers to the boy that stood before her.


"Because he wasn't in school." Confusion laced her voice before realisation struck her. Charlie had probably ditched school.

"That bastard," the boy muttered under his breath.

She looked at him as curiosity bubbled at high levels within her. "So you're Charlie's brother?" she asked as she quirked an inquisitive brow.

"Yes, Jeremy Cox."

Juniper's eyes sparkled with interest. "How come I've never seen you at school?"

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