13 || Unforeseen Appearances

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// for Night because she's an absolute cutie //

Thank you to anyone who is reading this! I have just the epilogue left to write before I'm done with this whole story. The story will have 18 chapters and an epilogue so this isn't the end. We have 5 more chapters to go!

I didn't quite like how this chapter turned out but I hope you like it.

E N J O Y !
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Unforseen Appearances

Juniper Stauff had her head in her hands as she listened to her parents drone on about the one subject she could never be able to make them shut up about it.

"June, baby, please be reasonable-"

"For the last time no!" she said, raising her voice by just a notch over her own mother's voice.

But Merliah Stauff had this conversation several with her daughter to be affected by her tone or words. She just wished that Juniper would see the seriousness of the situation and know that this wasn't something to joke around with. Juniper's life was certainly precious but whether Juniper saw that or not, she didn't know because she was declining the treatment that Merliah persisted on so much.

"Look, I'm late for school-" Juniper started.

"It doesn't matter," Juniper's father scolded, his dark face burning with anger and frustration. "This is more important than school."

Juniper was obviously in a foul mood. Her parents could tell by the comments she threw at them that she was in no mood to talk about this. But then again, she was never in the mood to talk about it. Juniper's eyes moved to the clock and she looked back at her parents with a sour expression. "Thanks mama," she said shooting a look at her mother who had done most of the talking the moment Juniper stepped into the kitchen. "I already missed first period."

Merliah's face softened and she gathered her daughter's hands in her own, giving them a tight encouraging squeeze. "Please, baby, you have to see that your parents want you around as long as they are around."

"I don't want treatment," Juniper said firmly that finalised the conversation and before her mother or father could get another word out of their talkative mouths, she shot up from the chair, grabbed her bag in a fast, snake like motion and ran out of the house. She was tired of this. It had been almost a month since the revelation, since the letter - the very letter that Dimitri apparently read. But look at her. She was doing fine. She didn't need treatment and if she did, well, she didn't want it. She hadn't yet reached any critical stage so no rash decisions needed to be taken.

When she parked her car in the school parking lot, she saw a familiar figure leaning against a car nearby. Juniper's heart jumped to her throat once she got out of the car and he spotted her. He had a murderous look in his eyes and when he started to advance towards her, she spun on her heel and headed the opposite direction. She knew by the infuriated look that took over his adorable features that things for her were not going to end well.

She had always been the sportier one but she didn't have Dimitri's long legs. He caught up to her pretty quickly and latched his hand onto her arm, spinning her around so that she could face him. She lifted her eyes, hesitant as a building sense of panic inflated within her chest. He looked slightly out of breath, a tinge of red tinted his cheeks lightly.

"I'm late for class," Juniper said as she tried to escape.

But his hold around her arm tightened and when looked her dead in the eye, she cowered as she gave out a light sigh and stopped fighting against his hold. Finally he let go of her, his eyes blazing with anger like she had never seen before. She had never seen Dimitri this angry.

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