19 || Unpredicted Content

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// for all my supporters and readers //

Welcome to the last chapter of Deteriorating Hearts (a.k.a the epilogue). I just noticed that I liked saying 'welcome to..' a lot in these A/N's haha. Anyway, there will be an Author's Note at the end as well so I won't say much except-

E N J O Y !
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Unpredicted Content

It is said that people move away because they are running away from their fears and insecurities. This description did not exactly fit Juniper Stauff's situation. Juniper was moving away to get a fresh start, to be a new superhero and to die a heroic death.

Juniper Stauff had come to terms with her sudden shortened life span. Before the chaos that she had unleashed into her world, she was just a normal girl trying to blend in by being someone she truly wasn't entirely and get through high school which was the aim of every teenager that was to ever walk the corridors of Phantom High.

Occasionally Mr and Mrs Stauff would force Juniper to go for check ups. Being doctors themselves they put health as one of their top priorities. If Juniper was as enthusiastic about health as her parents were then she would have visited the doctor more regularly and she would have taken the treatment for her condition.

When Juniper did oblige to her parents wishes and went for a check up because her parents had seen the slight symptoms and as doctors, they were immediately consumed with worry - that was when everything went downhill. That was the day that Juniper had learnt that she was suffering from breast cancer. That was the day the superhero decided to rebel and claim what was not rightfully hers. She did horrible things and caused havoc. She caused a strain in the loyalty that she had gained. She caused a hole in a lovely friendship and she back-stabbed her best friend. All to attain something that was never attainable in the first place; a broken heart that throbbed for someone else and not her.

She was a hero and what sort of an example was she setting, as a hero, if she unleashed chaos? But she was also human as well and being human, she was bound to mess up at one point and make mistakes. She was bound to surrender to desire.

The boarding to her flight was about to commence in half an hour and she decided now was the perfect time to bid farewell to all those who cared enough to say goodbye which was her parents and Dimitri only.

"Amanda couldn't make it," Dimitri said. "She needed to go out with her mum somewhere. I didn't really ask."

Juniper nodded, her heart sinking at the news. Juniper knew Dimitri was lying and that Amanda was still not comfortable with Juniper. Things weren't exactly the same between them and Juniper was glad to be leaving this place. She wouldn't be bothering anyone anymore.

"She did tell me to tell you that she ships you and Jeremy though," Dimitri teased, wiggling his brows. Juniper blinked twice before smacking Dimitri's shoulder.

She giggled slightly at Dimitri's proclamation but then turned her head so she could get a glimpse of Jeremy. He stood with his mother and Charlie and they were talking very animatedly. His mother bore a happy expression even though tears simmered at the brim of her eyes while Jeremy had an arm slung around Charlie, telling him something with a goofy smile on his lips. Charlie nodded but not before he gave Jeremy the famous Charlie eye roll.

Juniper and Jeremy both decided to move to a new place together. Jeremy had a university fund that his mother had kept for him even after he went to rehab in case he wanted to change his life. And he did want to change his life. With someone new; with Juniper. They were both going to attend the same university and share an apartment together. So, in a way, Dimitri was right. Feelings between them were not going to stay platonic forever, especially when Jeremy seemed to read Juniper so much more easily than most people could.

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