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{{ this final part consists of a Q&A and thank you note }}

Q & A

1 |
Why did you make Juniper have cancer? And why did you reveal this at the end of the story?

I always intended to make Juniper have breast cancer. It wasn't a sudden decision. It was final from the very beginning of the story. And if you noticed I was dropping in hints throughout the story. I've actually never used foreshadowing but with this story it was sort of essential to exemplify the vibe, title and moral of the story. The envelope that Dimitri read without Juniper's permission was about her breast cancer and that was how he discovered her illness. The reason I wanted to reveal this at the end was merely because I wanted to add to the element of suspense and questions.

2 |
Was Juniper really selfish? Was she really that vicious?

She had just found out that she had breast cancer. She never really liked the aspect of medication even though her parents were doctors. So she thought that she'd take charge of her life and get what she really wanted which, at that time, was Dimitri because he was the only thing, person, that she couldn't have. So in a way I think Juniper was justified to feel selfish. It was her fatal flaw.

3 |
Will there be a sequel?

No, there will NOT be a sequel. I actually thought long and hard about this. When I had finished writing Deteriorating Hearts I was so damn pumped I wanted to write a part 2 to this story which would feature Juniper's and Jeremy's life. But that would kind of defeat the whole aspect of this story and while I wanted to make this a novel, it turned out to be a novella. Making a part 2 to this story would make it a novel but I'm not that desperate. I only wrote this story for one reason (actually two reasons but I'm not going to mention the other): to convey a message.

4 |
What is the moral/message of this story?

Well, there isn't a solid moral to this story. Through writing this story I wanted to make people understand that you don't need to be someone you're not so be who you are. Like that saying goes, "be yourself because everyone else is taken." Or something like that. I also wanted to emphasise on how reckless it is to be impulsive. Juniper is extremely impulsive. She never thought twice about anything and went on ahead to do it which eventually didn't end well for her. Most impulsive actions DO have consequences. 

5 | Will you write any other stories? 

Currently I'm trying my luck at the genre Fantasy since it's always been my favourite genre. I will be posting the story in January so do look out for that! I am also writing a mystery/action-crime novel as a side project but it needs lots and LOTS of planning otherwise it would be filled with plot holes which nobody really likes so that's coming along really slow. 

-> Any other questions, do feel free to send them in! I will answer :) 


Writing Deteriorating Hearts has been phenomenal! For those who have stuck by me from the very beginning of this novella, thank you so much! I don't know if I'd get this far without you. You are all such beautiful lovelies and I don't know what else to say. 

If you're looking for something else of mine to read you can check out my other novella, Stars. You can find the direct link to Stars in the external link. I will be posting a new, Dark Fantasy novel in January so look out for that as well! 

Stay beautiful, lovelies! Till next time <3

 -Anha xo

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