Thinking About You

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His POV:

  "Nice job botching that mission, lamendardo." Raph says, rolling his eyes at me as we're heading back to the lair.

  "Calm down, Raph. We'll get them next time, it's not a big deal." I defend myself.

  "Not a big deal? Are you forgetting that we have a job to do? We beat Krang ass and go home victoriously." He continues, his eyes on fire with rage.

  "I've just been distracted lately, that's all." I say and he starts grilling me on what could possibly be more important than fighting crime.

  He calms down a bit by the time we return to the lair. I immediately walk to the dojo and try to meditate.

  Her soft eyes, silky (h/c) hair, beautiful skin I want to caress, warm smile. Her image appears in my mind and refuses to leave. Her laughter echoes between my ears. My mind plays back memories of watching her skate and saving her from the Purple Dragons the other night.

  Without a second thought I jumped in and protected her. The weight of her soft body in my arms when I carried her to safety felt so right. Seeing her soaking wet from the rain gave me the irresistible urge to kiss her like in those cheesy romance movies.

  I hope she's well. Since that night, she hasn't texted me. Maybe she's freaked out or has a cold from being out in the rain so long.

  Inhaling air in, counting to five, holding my breath, counting to five, exhaling, counting to five. I continue my deep breathing to clear my mind and meditate. My thoughts of her and tangled with every other thought. I can't keep botching missions like I did tonight. A leader needs to have his shit together.

  Buzz buzz

  My eyes immediately open and I reach for my phone without thinking. Y/N's name appears on my screen.

  'Hey, I'm sorry for being MIA the past few days. I have a cold and I've been sleeping all the time. Thanks for saving my ass the other night :) I owe you one.' The text reads. I fidget my thumbs above the keyboard for a few seconds, thinking of what to say.

  'No problem, it's what I do :) I hope you feel better soon. I'm sorry I let you get a cold.'

  'Don't worry about it, Leo. It's not your fault. Plus, I get to miss a few days of school, sleep, and watch Space Heroes all day.'

  'Woah, you like Space Heroes too?'

  'Uh, yeah! It's my favorite show of all time!'

  'Me too! OMG, we should totally watch it together when you feel better.'

  'I'd love that :) You can come over to my house. My parents aren't home often and Remi has a sleepover next weekend.'

  'Then it's a date!' I text, then immediately after type, 'I mean not a date haha just like friends hanging out.' Whoo, saved myself there.

  I return to trying to meditate, Y/N still on my mind. "Leonardo." Splinter says, causing me to jolt a bit in surprise and open my eyes, "What's on your mind?" I glance around the room, unsure what to say. "Your brothers tell me you've been distracted on missions and you seem to be having trouble meditating."

  "Sensei, how do you know if you have feelings for someone?" I ask him. He strokes his beard, looking down at me.

  "Oh, it's a girl who's been distracting you."

  "Yes, sensei. She's unlike any other girl I've ever met. She's pretty and kind and likes to skateboard and watch Space Heroes. She doesn't think I'm a freak either. She's perfect." I tell him. He smirks a bit, continuing to stroke his beard.

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