I'm in Love with a Mutant Turtle

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(A/N: important question at the end of this chapter!!)



Crimson, dripping blood. "Youch!" I cry, inhaling sharply and gritting my teeth. I sit on the cement ground and touch my knee, exposed by the ripped part of my jeans.

It stings with each touch and movement. I stand, picking my skateboard up as I begin to leave. My footsteps join the sound of nearby cars driving and honking, people chattering, nightclub and car radios indistinctly blasting music. I sniffle and my eyes mindlessly follow my shadow as I walk down the sidewalk home.

Leo, his ocean blue eyes, confident smile, handsome features. I remember feeling his muscles effortlessly carry me that night in the alley, his deep voice commanding me to get to safety as he fought off the Purple Dragons. My life feels like a Wattpad fanfiction.

Buzz buzz.

Leo? His handsome face pops into my mind as I rush to grab my phone and check if he messaged me.

'Hey, is this a good time to call, sweetie?' Mom texts me. I frown upon realizing it isn't him. He hasn't texted me at all since I invited him to watch Space Heroes this weekend. That was on Tuesday, it's Friday. I call her and put on a smile for the camera.

"Hey, mom, how's it going?" I greet her. We chat a bit. The sun is rising in Paris, as I can see in the window behind her. She's eating sliced fruit and already has on some light makeup. I focus on the bright glowing sun and flood of reds and oranges. Maybe I should wake up to watch the NYC sunrise someday. Eh, I like sleeping in.

"Is everything alright, honey? You seem distracted." She says to me after telling a story I could hardly pay attention to. I was thinking about Leo and why he hasn't texted me the entire time.

"It's nothing, mom."

"Come on, I've known you since you were born, Y/N. I know when something's on your mind." She says, I sigh.

"It's just, this boy..." I trail off. She grins.

"Oh, I always knew this day would come! What's he like? Is he cute?" My face heats up and flushes red.

"Mom, you're embarrassing me." I tell her and she replies saying she's just excited. After a bit of nudging, I begin talking about Leo. "Well, I met him skating and he's really good at it, almost as good as me. He can do the best ollie in all of Manhattan! Oh, and he loves Space Heroes."

Every time I watch Space Heroes, Remi pokes fun at me. He says the show is a million years old and for total geeks. I roll my eyes yet catch him sitting right by my side, watching it along with me. He claims it's only because he's bored, but the way his eyes light up when Captain Ryan speaks and they fight off alien bad guys begs to differ.

"He sounds lovely, honey. I'll be back in Manhattan on the first of next month, maybe I could meet him." She suggests. My eyes widen.

"Oh, no, no, no need." I stutter. She raises an eyebrow at me and begins asking questions. "He's just really shy. Plus, we're just friends. It's not like he actually likes me. I don't need a boyfriend anyways." I list excuses, but mom isn't buying it.

We change the subject and chat about other things until I arrive back at the apartment. Remi borrows my phone to talk to mom, despite right now being way past his bedtime.

Dad puts Remi back to bed and demands I go to sleep too, it may not be school night, but I'm still a growing teen and need sleep or whatever. I roll my eyes, telling him goodnight, and get ready for bed.

Laying there, staring at the ceiling, my body refuses to sleep. Tossing and turning, it's no use. There's one thought haunting my mind more than my upcoming biology test: Leo.

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