Wanna Go on a Date?

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Beep beep beep!

"Popcorn is ready!" I announce, rushing to the microwave. I pull the bag of popcorn out. "Oooh aaah hot hot hot!" I toss the bag on the counter to cool.

I glance over at Leo, who's sitting patiently in front of the tv, peering back at me and waiting. I smile and we chat as the popcorn cools off.

I pour us a big bowl of fresh popcorn and plop down on the couch next to him. "This is gonna be awesome!" I exclaim. He chuckles, looking away and quietly agreeing. I brush it off, although he's been acting really weird lately. So avoidant and shy, quite unlike himself. Maybe he just doesn't like me anymore.

Leo's POV:

Y/N turns on Space Heroes, mindlessly munching away at the popcorn while her eyes are glued to the screen.

The entire time my focus is on her. Even when I'm facing the screen I catch quick glances at her from the corner of my eye. Her gorgeous (e/c) eyes, reflecting our shared favorite show in them. Her silky hair I wish I could run my fingers through and braid. Her adorable attentive face when she's fully immersed in something.

Our hands accidentally brush in the popcorn bowl, causing me to blush in embarrassment. My cheeks feel so hot, only getting hotter when she turns to look at me. Butterflies tickle my belly at just the thought of her and being so close by.

"Hey do you want a blanket? I'm getting kinda cold." I shrug my shoulders and she takes a big blue throw blanket and spreads it between us. Although not physically touching, I feel terribly nervous sharing a blanket with her. It's soft and warm just like her touch.

The last episode of the night ends and the screen rolls credits before she turns it off. She stretches a bit in her seat, yawning. Could she be any more adorable? Y/N catches me staring and smiling then asks what's up. I shake my head and stare down at the floor before looking up at her again.

"I've been meaning to tell you something." I say. She stops stretching, turning her body to be fully facing mines. Worry fills her eyes and she nods, wordlessly. I gotta just bite the bullet with this one. "I really like you. Not friend like you, I mean I do friend like you, you're an amazing friend, but I like you much more than a friend now. It's okay if you don't like me back, it's weird, really weird. I just needed to tell you, get it off my chest. I was going crazy wondering if you like me back or not, but that's foolish 'cause you clearly don't. I mean, look at you. You're gorgeous! An absolutely stunning girl who could get any guy she wants. Even in pajamas, your hair up in a messy bun, all sleepy with a popcorn piece in your hair, you're the prettiest girl I've ever seen." I confess to her.

Y/N stares, her face unreadable. Perhaps, shock? "I'm so sorry, I should be going now." I tell her and get up to leave.

She reaches out and grabs my arm. "No, stay." I pause, staring down at her. I stare into her (e/c) eyes, confused. She pulls at my arm and gestures for me to sit back down. "I like you too, Leo."

"You what?" My jaw falls in disbelief. Could I have been right, could she like me as much as I like her?

"I like you too. I think you're really charming and handsome." She confesses to me. My cheeks burn as do hers.

"So, would you like to go on a date with me?" I ask.

"I'd love to!"



'Hey.' A short, simple text from Raph.

'Hey, doofus. What's up?' I text him back.

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