He Gets Jealous

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Adjusting my hat and putting my gloves back on my ice cold fingers, I've finished successfully putting my skates on with the help of Oliver. He has been ice skating since he could walk and skates like a king.

I stand, immediately slipping and falling flat on my ass. I groan, trying to stand unsuccessfully. Oliver takes my gloved hand in his and helps me up. While holding my hands, he guides me to a quiet part of the rink to practice.

"Wow, you should really be a coach." I say, struggling to keep myself balanced.

"I teach the tiny tots how to skate on Tuesday evenings and Saturday mornings, bright and early." He replies. Not that he needs the money, he may even just be a volunteer.

"So, it looks good on college applications?" I ask.

He smirks, "Yeah, volunteering with kids always looks good to colleges. If I'm going to go to Yale, I'll need all the volunteering, extracurriculars, and good grades I can manage." He honestly doesn't need to do as much as he does. He's the busiest guy I know and could probably chill out a bit and still get into Yale because his dad and grandpa went there, plus his dad makes a generous yearly donation. A real kiss up, but I guess if you have the connections and money, you'd be a fool not to try to get your kid into such a prestigious college.

Oliver talks nonstop about how he's hosting a bonfire at his uncle's beach house this weekend. Despite how busy Oliver keeps himself studying and doing extracurriculars, he somehow always has the time to throw parties. It's nearly time for the annual New Years ski lounge party too, and he talks it up to me like it's the biggest event of the year.

"How do you have time for all of these parties?"

"I prioritize. Making connections is one of the most important things I can do to make sure I get into the top law school and become a successful lawyer like my dad and uncle. Plus, it's fun." He replies. I've never met a sixteen-year-old so serious.

We take a break from skating to get hot chocolate. I text our other friend, Violet, wishing her well. We were supposed to go as a group of three, but Violet canceled last night. She has a fever of 102 and is worried she's going to hack a lung out any minute now.

We pose for selfies together with our hot chocolates, big smiles, a few goofy pictures too. I post them on my story along with a quick snap of the busy ice rink.

We skate for another thirty minutes before I remember I made plans with Leo to watch Space Heroes today. Oliver insists his driver take me home, but I assure him I can walk. The clock is ticking and Oliver continues his chatter. I pretend to get an urgent text from my mom and wave goodbye.

I like Oliver, I really do, but ever since we first were placed in the same play group as toddlers, he has never shut up. There are no mysteries about him. I'd even like to know a little less about his life if it were possible.

I arrive at the lair and am greeted by an enthusiastic Mikey cooking up a new horrifying pizza concoction. He points me to Leo in the dojo, but warns he hates to be interrupted while meditating.

Leo immediately opens his eyes when he sees me, still in his meditation position. I sit across from him and lean in for a hello kiss. He stays still, not greeting me, but observing me silently.

I raise an eyebrow. "What's the matter, love?" I ask. Leo sighs, glancing at the floor.

"I saw your story." He says. I study his face, slightly pouting, avoiding eye contact, head down.

"I had a lot of fun skating with Oliver today."

"Yeah, I'm sure your date was a blast." Leo says. My eyes widen and I shake my head. I put my hand on his shoulder and hope he'll at least look up at me.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 14, 2023 ⏰

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