We Go Way Back, Chapter Three - Grievous

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 (Pearl's POV)

Pearl stared at Grian blankly, she glanced at X. He dropped his gaze. Pearl soon realized that she would have to be the one to break the delicate silence. Turning her gaze back to the Avian, she saw both him and Scar with questioning eyes.

"Well..." Pearl's words drifted on the air, her voice so light you almost couldn't hear her.

Closing her eyes, Pearl remembered what had happened.

(Pearl's POV, Past.)

After wandering aimlessly for a while, Pearl and Impulse were getting tired, and hungry. "Pearl, I can't walk anymore." Impulse whined, stumbling. Pearl turned and sighed. "Me neither... but we have to get back to Hermitcraft." She added.

The sun was setting, and it was getting colder, but then a spark of hope ignited a fire in Pearl's heart. "Is that a border?" She asked, eyes locked on the shiny blue wall, like it would disappear if she blinked.

Impulse lifted his head, and his eyes widened. "Yes!" He exclaimed. All previous problems were forgotten. The soreness in Pearl's feet just seemed to disappear, her hunger was non-existent. They ran toward the force field.

Reaching the border, Impulse rested his hands on it, a light shock made his hands tingle, he smiled.

"How do we get through?" Pearl asked, touching it. "I have an idea." Impulse revealed, he glanced around. "We need a boat."

"A boat?" Pearl asked, her hope dwindling. "Yes." Impulse answered, a smile on his face. "Why?" Pearl crossed her arms. "on last life, the southlands found out that if you use a boat, you can glitch through the border!" Impulse explained.

Pearl's eyes widened. "And you never told anyone until now!?" She exclaimed. "We didn't want to break the game. Plus we were the only ones who were near the border, it would have been a weakness." He explained.

After chopping down many trees, and basically doing the basics all over again, they had a boat.

"Ok, you sit in the back, I'll steer." Impulse said. Pearl listened, hopping in the boat behind him.

They pushed the boat up against the border, the slight shock was enough to make it uncomfortable. Impulse was basically half way through, he pushed out of the boat, and stumbled to a stop on the other side of the border.

A communicator appeared on his wrist. He glanced down at it. "Hermitcraft!" He exclaimed, a smile on his face.

Pearl repeated Impulse's actions, and glitched to the other side. Her communicator appeared on her wrist as well, she looked at the chat. It was Hermitcraft all right.

She pulled up the tab list. Xisuma, Doc and Mumbo were on. "Mumbo got away!" Pearl exclaimed. "Grian and Scar... must not have." She continued. Impulse glanced away. He typed in chat as fast as he could.

<ImpulseSV> X, Doc, Mumbo! Me and Pearl got out, please help!

(Xisuma's POV, Past)

Xisuma, Doc and Mumbo didn't know what to do. Taurtis was gone. The rest of Boatem was still missing. This was a grievous situation. "I can't believe this is happening." Mumbo breathed. "Me neither." Xisuma agreed.

Suddenly the chat pinged. It was probably Taurtis again, mocking them-

<ImpulseSV> X, Doc, Mumbo! Me and Pearl got out, please help!

"Impulse!" Doc yelled. "Him and Pearl made it out!" Mumbo exclaimed, his voice hopeful. They all extended their wings at the same time.

<Xisumavoid> Where are you?

<Pearlescentmoon> Somewhere near the border

The three Hermits rushed out of their hiding place, into the air. They went to two other borders before finally finding them. Xisuma landed after Doc, Mumbo landed behind X clumsily.

(Mumbo's POV)

After getting Impulse and Pearl food and safety, the five Hermit's settled to plan their next move. "I'm guessing Grian and Scar got caught?" Impulse asked quietly. Mumbo glanced away, Xisuma nodded. "You didnt happen to see them did you?" Doc asked reluctantly. Pearl shook her head no, Mumbo felt his heart sink.

"Do you think they're on the other side of the border?" Xisuma pushed. "Probably." Pearl answered. "I hope they are together at least, like we were." Impulse added.

Mumbo tried to say something, but his words caught in his throat, and he stayed quiet. His worry grew even more with every question.

"We have to go back through and find them." Doc spoke what everyone was already thinking.

Using the Last Life boat trick, the Hermits glitched back through the border.

Xisuma and Doc gave Pearl and Impulse spare weapons and food. Pearl had a bow and Impulse a trident.

"Luckily, I have a thing as admin, where I can track you guys if you're lost." Xisuma revealed, pulling up his admin screen. "And you're only using it now!?" Doc exclaimed. "I tried before, but since we were not technically on the same server, it didn't work. Now it might be different." He explained.

"Yes!" Xisuma yelled. The other hermits crowded around him, seeing the dots on the map. "Scars in some random Taiga, and Grian is in a desert." X continued. Mumbo grinned, maybe this would work after all.

"Let me try Taurtis." The axolotl said. He froze. "He's... here..." He revealed. Mumbo's mouth went dry and it became hard to swallow.

"Hello." A voice came from behind. All five of them whirled around. Taurtis. When he saw Pearl and Impulse he scowled. "You really need to pay more attention to your surroundings." Taurtis sneered.

Anger suddenly flooded through Mumbo's veins. Taurtis just showed up on Hermitcraft and destroyed everything. He captured the rest of Boatem. He was not going to get away with this.

Mumbo sprang forward, unsheathing his sword. Taurtis parried his attack, but Mumbo didn't stop. The other Hermit's didn't know what to do. Mumbo spotted Taurtis' magic sword out of the corner of his eye. He reached for it, clutching the hilt. "Run!" Mumbo yelled back. "But-" Impulse tried to interject.

Mumbo had flashbacks to when he was in this exact situation with Grian, and his anger grew more. "Go!" He yelled again, parrying Taurtis' attack with one hand, and holding the netherite sword with the other.

The other Hermits' listened, and reluctantly flew away. Mumbo used all the willpower he had to make the sword glow, and teleport them away.

(Grian's POV, present.)

"That's it!? He could be anywhere!" Grian exclaimed, his heart going a million miles an hour. This was bad, very bad. "Sorry G." Impulse breathed.

The avian felt dizzy, his head was spinning and his heart was pounding. Scar moved closer to steady him. "We have to find him..." Grian muttered. "We will. I promise." Scar tried to assure him. "Where do we start?" Pearl asked

Grian could barely hear them, he could hear his heart in his ears. He fiddled with his wings nervously.

Xisuma spoke next. "Where could he possibly have gone?"

(Mumbo's POV)

Mumbo blinked open his eyes, and stumbled. He was standing. "You fool!" Taurtis scowled. Mumbo whirled around to meet his distasteful gaze. He grabbed his sword and it started to glow. "Have fun being stuck in this dump! I'm going to go find Grian!" He grinned, before disappearing.

Mumbo looked around. Dump? He examined the building, it looked like a school, a bell rang and high school kids swarmed him.

He tried to move out of the way, but the kids paid no attention to him, and walked through him? They wisped slightly when passing through him. He was invisible to them, he was a viewer of this school... He gazed up at the sign on the front of the building, it read 'Yandere High School'.

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