We Go Way Back, Chapter Five - Evolution

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                        (Scar's POV)

"Well all I have to do is..." Grian's voice cut off. "Grian?" Scar asked.

"Do what!?" Doc yelled. There was no answer. "I'm sorry. I'll be back soon... don't come looking for me. I'm sending you back." The avian's voice was soft.

Impulse didn't know what was happening. No one did. "G?" Scar asked again. What was happening!? Suddenly Scar's stomach dropped, and he felt like he could puke, then his vision blurred once again... and then- black.

Scar shot up. He looked around anxiously... no... it couldn't be... Boatem?

Had it been some twisted dream after all? "SCAR!" A panicked voice from behind made him jump... NOT A DREAM.

"Mumbo? What is it? Are we really home?" Scar asked, looking around. Mumbo reached him and took a deep breath, he was definitely panicking.

"Mumbo?" Scar asked again. "Grian didn't come back with us!" He revealed. Scar took in a sharp breath, he thought back to the last thing they heard from him. "I'm sorry. I'll be back soon... don't come looking for me. I'm sending you back."

"He used his Watcher magic to send us back... but not himself?" Scar asked. Mumbo breathed in and out slowly, trying to calm and stop panicking.

Xisuma, Doc, Pearl and Impulse joined them in boatem. "Where do we start?" X asked, his voice strong. "He said not to look for him." Doc shot back.

"So you think we should just leave him?" Mumbo asked, his voice sharp.

"Maybe we should listen to him!" Pearl interjected. "We can't just leave him in some random place! What if he's hurt!? Or in trouble of some kind?!" Scar raised his voice.

"Guys! He said he'd be back! Are we just not going to trust him!?" Impulse added. "I'm not leaving him out in the giga-verse somewhere! It's my job to protect the hermits!" X yelled. "Well you haven't done your job too well X!" Doc spat.

"Am I missing a war!?" A voice from behind made all the Hermits stop there arguing. "Grian!" Scar rushed forward and pulled the Avian into a hug. Grian laughed. Mumbo joined them. Doc sighed. "Sorry X." He breathed. "No... you're right... I've been a terrible admin." He admitted.

"No you have not!" Pearl argued. Impulse laughed. "Why are we missing the hug?" He asked. Doc giggled and they all joined in on the embrace.

A little while later, the moon was out and the stars twinkled above.

The seven hermits sat by the Boatem pole, eating food and talking the night away.

(Xisuma's POV)

"So where did you go, Grian?" Scar asked. "I went back to Evolution. I needed to finally declare my saga with the Watchers over." Grian explained.

"I talked to them." He breathed. "What did they say!?" Pearl asked eagerly. Xisuma had almost forgotten that Pearl was on Evo too.

"They said that they would see me soon, but I gave them my powers... they have no way of finding me now." He said, relief flooded his voice.

"Did it hurt?" Doc asked, his eyes curious. Grian scoffed. That was answer enough. "I'm glad everyones safe... for a while there I thought we were going to lose someone."

"We did." Grian mumbled. "What?" Impulse asked, tilting his head. "We lost Taurtis." He explained. "That's a good thing though right?" Doc asked. Grian nodded slowly. "It's just... we used to be so close... what could have happened?" He asked, not looking at anyone, but instead at the ground.

"That doesn't matter! We made it home safe! Now who's ready for the next life series!?" Scar asked, a wide smile planted on his face. "NO!" Grian yelled, a grin hidden behind his tone. The others laughed. "Don't you wanna be my ally again!?" Scar pressed. "Never!" Grian joked.

They were home. Everything was normal- well, as normal as Hermitcraft could get.

"Well, I for one, am very excited to get a good night's sleep!" Doc said, standing. The others did the same, agreeing. "Same thing tomorrow?" Grian asked, sarcastically. Everyone laughed nervously.

They all went off to bed. Xisuma flew back to his base, no noise except for his rockets and the wind. He took a deep breath as he landed in front of his base.

He crawled into bed and closed his eyes... it was quiet... peaceful... at least now he would finally get some sleep.

(Grian's POV)

Grian sighed as everyone left, it was just him and Mumbo now. "Well night I guess." Mumbo breathed. "Does attacking Taurtis count as breaking your peace, love and plants thing?" Grian asked, making Mumbo stop walking toward his base. Grian grinned.

"Technically... I was not on Hermitcraft when I attacked him." Mumbo argued. "I'm so tired of your loopholes." Grian complained. They laughed.

Grian closed his eyes, listening to the sound of the wind. "Hey Grian..." Mumbo said softly. Grian opened his eyes to see Mumbo's gaze pointed to the sky. "Yup?" He asked, titling his head. Mumbo continued.

"Is the moon big?"


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