We Go Way Back, Chapter Four - Irrevocable

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      (Mumbo's POV)

Three more kids rushed through him... two of them looked very familiar.

Grian and Taurtis.

"Hurry up Sam!" The young Taurtis called to the remaining person.

Sam had short brown hair and brown eyes, he is a rabbit hybrid with two big white rabbit ears.

"I'm coming!" Sam yelled back, his left rabbit ear flopping slightly.

Mumbo followed them, halloween decorations lined the streets of the town. "This must be where Grian and Taurtis went to school." Mumbo said his thoughts out loud, knowing that no one would hear him.

"Where are we going again?" Grian asked, a nervous look on his face.

"A haunted house!" Sam answered, passing him and Taurtis to lead the way.

There were other people following the trio, but Mumbo focused on the main three.

Taurtis followed Sam with a wide smile on his face, Grian bit his bottom lip nervously, but followed close behind.

"It's the best way to celebrate your coming back to Yandere!" Sam continued. "I'm just visiting." Grian stated briskly.

Mumbo wandered behind the group for a while, before they stopped at a very haunted looking house. "I'm not going in there..." One of the girls said. "Me neither." Grian muttered. "Yes you are! It's fun!" Sam insisted. Grian sighed, and followed Sam and Taurtis inside. Mumbo reluctantly went in behind them.

(Xisuma's POV)

Xisuma was panicking. There was no doubt that he was, but he couldn't show it. He was the admin, he had to find Mumbo and bring all of his Hermits back to the server safely.

"What do we do!?" Grian asked, his voice shaking slightly. "Well. I was looking into that sword... and it's..." Xisuma didn't know how to continue. Normally Hermits tried not to bring up other Hermit's pasts.

"What!?" Grian's voice was strong now, his face full of desperation. "The sword is powered by the same thing that enchants weapons and armor... it's..."

"Watcher magic." Grian finished X's sentence. "You're the only one with experience in Watcher magic G, do you know anything that could lead us to Mumbo?" Scar asked, his voice soft.

Grian took a deep breath and closed his eyes, trying to remember something that he forcefully forgot... something he never wanted to remember.

"If someone used Watcher magic, without the person who owns it allowing it. It would take them to the place the owner wants to go the least. Inside of a memory most of the time." Grian answered, his voice quiet. He didn't open his eyes.

"Where does Taurtis want to go the least?" Doc pressed. Grian opened his eyes slowly, he was shaking. Scar put a hand on his shoulder. "Yandere... Mumbo's at Yandere High School. It's where Taurtis would definitely not want to go... it's not exactly somewhere I want to go either." He explained.

"But we need a certain memory." Pearl added. "Halloween." Grian answered, clenching his teeth. It was obviously not a memory he was too fond of.

"But how do we get there?" Impulse asked. Grian took a deep breath. "Back up, I don't want to hurt anyone." He warned. Xisuma took a couple steps back, and the other Hermit's did the same. "Don't hurt yourself either." Scar said, almost like he knew what Grian was about to do.

Grian did not respond. He lifted one hand, and squeezed his eyes shut. Purple sparks bounced from his hand and a dark purple flame danced across his fingers. He clenched his teeth, it didn't look like it felt good.

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