Author's Note and Intro Pages

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THIS IS NOT A FANFICTION. THIS IS THE 4TH LIGHT NOVEL. I am translating it directly from the Japanese book.

No, I haven't translated the other ones. I started with number 4. Why? Because it has Boruto and Sarada on the front cover. If that doesn't answer your question, click on another one of my stories and you'll understand :D And no, that does not mean I'm going to exaggerate their moments in this story. I'm going to translate this as accurately as possible.

Don't get your hopes up for an original arc. All of the novels were adapted into anime already. This one is the school trip arc from Sarada's perspective. But the novels do go into more detail and provide a few original scenes and some unique viewpoints.

This story starts with a DREAM. So don't click off. Sakura isn't actually dead.

If you have questions about why something is the way it is, please ask! I may or may not provide you with the Japanese if it's just a sentence or a phrase. There were a couple times I got really stumped on how to convey the emotion the characters were expressing because there just... isn't a way to do that in English.

I am getting help from actual Japanese people if there is something I legitimately don't understand. I DO NOT COPY AND PASTE FROM GOOGLE TRANSLATE. EVER. You should be able to tell xD It is a useful resource for giving me quick romaji for the Kanji I can't read though. I have three friends irl and two online (all of which who like anime and read light novels frequently), a private teacher, plus hiNative and other resources to ask questions. I also currently live in Japan. I can watch anime without subtitles and all that jazz, but as expected of an actual book (that is more than just dialogue), there are some words and phrases I've never heard of. So when those pop up, I don't just guess. I ask questions and look it up. All of what you are reading is as accurate as I could possibly make it.

If you would like to support this book, just leave a comment. I don't really care about money, but hearing someone say thank you means the world to me.

I am releasing this slowly as I translate it. I was thinking about waiting until I was done to start releasing it, but you know, I really need motivation. This is difficult. To not only make it accurate, but also readable as a regular book (good sentence variation and all that jazz) takes a lot of effort. I have to read over things I've already translated days after I translate it just to fix spots that aren't really worded as well as they could be. And since I've already read it in Japanese and enjoyed it, the only thing left is to translate it for you guys. But you know, sometimes, I just don't have the motivation. Hopefully posting this will give me the motivation I need to get through it at a faster pace than one chapter per month...




Intro Pages:

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