Part 4 (The Fight Begins)

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Hello! It's been a while. I've been translating while on the bus and train but other than that I've been extremely busy! I hope you are not mad at me... The parts keep getting longer and longer T^T The book is almost complete! And by almost I mean 274/333 pages xD So like... 80% xD I'm trying xD

Also, this account is getting a lot more attention than I anticipated... The Wattpad people keep inviting me to things and I'm like uh. Gonna just. Ignore this xD Thank you all for the support! I was shocked to see over 100 notifications when I logged in xD I'll do my best to make it to the end!

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Village of the Mist. Memorial Park. Seven shadowy figures stood in front of the cenotaph: the New Seven Ninja Swordsmen.

In their hands were blades different from any sword known to the common man. They stared at the monument in front of them, anger bubbling behind their gleaming eyes. 

"This cenotaph is a symbol forced upon the current village as a result of the past. Wouldn't you say, Kagura?"

Hoshigaki Shizuma. The man who stood at the head of everyone else, blade on his back oozing bloodlust.

Kagura stood silently, his expression unresolved. "Shizuma-san... If you say your fight is for those that have been forgotten, whose names didn't make it onto this monument, who were not laid to rest at this memorial... I will submit to your authority." 

He couldn't entirely make up his mind. But his words held the desire to believe in Shizuma. 

In response, Shizuma's lips curled into a satisfied smile. "You do well to reassure me, Kagura." He took the handle of his sword and raised it up. 

His sword, Samehada, resembled a saw, blades lined up in rows like jagged teeth. It could slice through both objects and chakra with a will of its own, moving about in the hands of its wielder. 

"Fellow Ninja Swordsmen! Shall we begin our revolution?!"

A wicked smile flashed across his shark-like face, seemingly one with Samehada.

The sword flashed downwards. But just before it could strike, something caught the corner of Shizuma's eye. He paused mid movement. 

Several shuriken flew towards him at once, aiming straight for his chest. But they were repelled. 

A girl who had been all the way behind Kagura suddenly jumped out, her two swords imbued with thunder. She slashed the shuriken to the ground with ease. 


"I know. They're finally here... Aren't they?!"

Hoshigaki Shizuma turned his back on the cenotaph. Almost simultaneously, two shadows dropped in front of him.

Two Konoha ninja: Boruto and Sarada were now standing in the middle of the Memorial Park.

"Cut it out! You sick psycho!"

"Boruto?!" Kagura was the one who shouted Boruto's name. Upon seeing his friend, his face darkened with sadness. "You came after all..."

The only reason Kagura went along with Shizuma was to save Boruto's life. And now, he'd have to cut him down. No matter how much Kagura wanted to stop Shizuma, he couldn't do anything. It was too late.

But Kagura wasn't the only one who was surprised.

"You can't be... Buntan?!"


The girl who had reflected Sarada's shuriken was none other than the sassy girl Sarada met at the Mist's Tower the day before. Kurosaki Buntan. 

Unlike Sarada, she had a knowing smile on her face. She must've predicted that Sarada would show up with Boruto to try and save Kagura. 

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