Part 2 (Apologies Don't Cut It)

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Double sections today because the first section was tiny. Not about to post a section with less than 300 words xD

"That was amazing, ya know!'


The academy students were at a loss for words. Shino and Anko as well.

Lunch was comprised of exquisite cuisine that couldn't be found anywhere in Konoha. The first thing that came out the doors was an arrangement of sashimi that made use of the bountiful seafood available to Hidden Mist Village. Following the sashimi was lightly seasoned vegetables and fish in a soy sauce broth, and from there, the strength in flavor grew with each new dish.

"Everyone is so immersed in the aftertaste that they've been rendered speechless."

"Well, it's definitely fair to say they had a lot of confidence in their food and serving style, right?"

From Sarada's perspective, the only ones that kept their composure after the meal were Mitsuki, who never seemed to be phased by anything, and Cho-Cho... That, and Iwabe, whose facial expression was a bit sour.

"I wonder if I could replicate any of this with a Super Beast Scroll painting..." Even Inojin's usually sharp tongue was tamed by the delicious meal.

"I'm glad you all seemed to like it," said Kagura with a smile. "Each day you will be dining on a meal similar to this one, so I hope you continue to enjoy your food."

As she heard this, Sarada became slightly worried for her body weight.

. . .

From the dining hall, they moved on to The Mist's memorial park. More than a park, perhaps it should have been called a facility. They were holding a wreath-laying ceremony to comfort the spirits of the dead. Shino led the ceremony, offering the first wreath to the cenotaph in the center.

After splitting into groups to explore the park, Kagura pointed out a huge stadium. "When our village was called 'The Village of the Bloody Mist,' graduation exams were held there."

The Bloody Mist. In the past, graduation exams consisted of students fighting each other to the death. Innumerous blood was shed. Lives lost.

This place was created to comfort the mournful souls that remained, wreaths laid just like Shino had done earlier.

"It's said that during the era of the Fourth Mizukage, there wasn't a single day that passed without bloodshed."

Kagura's expression was pained as he spoke. For him, those days likely felt as though he himself was the one getting cut down.

The fourth Mizukage... Tachibana Yagura.

Born in the Hidden Mist Village, he ruled his subjects through fear. Originally, the Hidden Mist was a place that was cut off from the rest of the world. Isolated. But during Yagura's reign, his cruelty became known far and wide. He was the personification of terror, governing using bloodshed and death.

"Now, the blood has been washed away from our title, and we are simply The Village of the Mist." Kagura wore a complicated expression. It was neither regretful nor fearful, but something else entirely...

"Is that really the case?"


Iwabe was the one who spoke up. He slowly approached Kagura. Just from the air he put out, Boruto, Sarada, and Sumire all tensed into a fighting stance.

Iwabe, to put it bluntly, was prone to violence. Before he was put in his place by Boruto, he acted like a tyrant in the classroom. Almost all his classmates were afraid of him. But lately, everyone would agree that he calmed down significantly and was integrating himself well into the class.

So as he stood before Kagura with a grim air about him, a sharp glare in his eyes, Sarada couldn't help but wonder what brought on the sudden change.

What is he doing?

Iwabe stopped a good distance in front of Kagura and stared him down. He took a breath and opened his mouth. "My grandfather fought the Fourth Mizukage, Tachiba Yagura, and was killed."


Kagura's eyes widened.

But he wasn't the only one that showcased surprise.

Sumire, Denki, Boruto and Sarada too, all of them couldn't suppress the looks of shock on their faces.

"We live in the shinobi world... It's not like I resent you specifically. But I can't forgive this village for putting my grandfather to rest. Everyone around me always says that... Stop acting like this is all in the past. There's a person bearing a grudge right here in front of you... So why are you pretending like all of your crimes are pardoned?"

At Iwabe's words, Kagura's gaze drifted to the ground. "I'm sorry..."

"Why are you apologizing?" He spat. "That kind of thing pisses me off, you bastard. Apologizing doesn't make it better. It's just a way to sweep your issues under the rug. I've said it once and I'll say it again... I don't have a grudge against you. But quit pretending like the blood has been washed out of your village's name and all that crap. Because it's still there."

Kagura's response was a facial expression that wasn't quite lamented and wasn't quite bewildered. It was the face of a boy who was having a nightmare, reliving something from the past.

"Now that I think about it, why did you apologize in the first place? You trying to make fun of me? Kiss up to me? Huh??"

"Wait! Iwabe!"

Iwabe lunged at Kagura, but Boruto launched himself in between them. Iwabe's rage didn't seem like it could be quelled by Boruto alone...

An air that was almost electric sparked between the three boys.

"Shut your face!"

The sudden shout interrupted the tense situation, stopping Boruto and Iwabe's attempts at movement in their tracks. Everyone turned. 

Behind them was kid who seemed like he could have been part of a back-street gang, his buddies trailing behind him. And they were getting closer.

.  .  .

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