Part 1 (Iwabe's Disappearance)

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Every student underwent the screening process before they got to the Village of the Mist, so they were able to walk in without a cinch.

Kagura guided the students into town, Shino and Anko on either side of him. They walked down the streets and under the coconut trees. Buildings with different shapes and structures than those in Konoha towered over them. But the most impressive feature of the village was the giant waterfall across the way. 

"Beyond this waterfall is the village," said Kagura with a smile.


Under the waterfall was a tunnel. It seemed as though the true Village of the Mist lay on the other side. The student's anticipation rose with the growing sound of the pounding water.

As soon as they cleared the darkened space, the first thing that drew their attention was the fountain in the middle of the square. Countless shops and restaurants lined the streets. They passed a number of facilities intended for amusement, such as movie theaters, bookstores, amusement parks, museums, zoos, and more.

The city was crowded with people who appeared to be tourists. At this point, it was impossible not to get excited. Before the teachers could stop them, the students were running around and taking pictures as they pleased, poking their heads into shops that piqued their interests.


During all of the chaos, Sarada heard Boruto's loud voiced enthusiasm above the crowd. He was with Denki and Shikadai, eyeing a vendor who was out on the street selling souvenirs. It seemed as though there was something on sale for a good price.

"I wonder what they're doing..." From where she was standing, she couldn't see what they were looking at. But Sarada's curiosity got the better of her. She neared the group to see what all the fuss was about. 

"This port town is a hot spot for the distribution of products from around the world. It's also being developed as a tourist destination," said Kagura.

"That's so cool! The land of the Mist is awesome!" Boruto responded enthusiastically to Kagura's explanation.

"I'm happy that you've taken a liking to our village! Somehow, it's all a bit complicated to me..."

What was with that expression just now?

It didn't seem like Kagura was lying. But the words he spoke weren't everything to the issue. At least, that's the feeling Sarada got.

While Sarada was busy having doubts about Kagura's words, Boruto was eyeing something that was stuck to Kagura's belt by his katana.

"No way! Isn't that the theatre exclusive Kagemasa strap?!"

It appeared as though the item had to do with the pudgy actor they met a while back. He played the hero in a popular ninja film. It was something Sarada didn't know much about, but the hero named Kagemasa was popular amongst her male classmates. His influence must've spread to other villages as well.

Hmm... So he can make those kinds of faces too...

While Sarada was looking at the unexpected expression on Kagura's face, she was thinking of how amazing it was that Boruto was able to get close to people and relate with them as quickly as he did. But the rest of her female classmates seemed to think otherwise.

"Wait! It's not fair that the boy's are monopolizing Kagura-kun's attention!"

"It'd be better if he didn't catch their stupidity."

The voices belonged to Namida who was sulking and Wasabi whose forehead was wrinkled like a rug. The other girls were not too happy with the way things were developing.

"In times like these, boys can get along well with each other quickly, so it makes you jealous, doesn't it," followed Sumire, but it seemed like her words had little effect.

Sarada was about to pull Boruto away from Kagura to keep the peace between her classmates when a sudden prickle spiked the air around her. It was the presence of strong anger and irritation.

Almost akin to bloodlust, a hostile gaze was directed at the two boys. And Sarada could feel it as clearly as if someone had reached out and touched her.

She readied her guard. But the presence didn't seem like it was going on the offensive. Above all else, it felt familiar. 

It wasn't until a few seconds later when she realized it belonged to Iwabe. This feeling was exactly like the one she got when he fought with Boruto at the academy.

She looked around one more time. But Iwabe wasn't in her field of vision. He was probably there until just a moment ago. However, if the nearly genin level Iwabe seriously tried to conceal his presence, Sarada wouldn't be able to track him. Not unless she had used her sharingan. And she was hesitant to use her sharingan in another country.

The sharingan was a visual ability unique to the Uchiha clan. It was essentially considered classified information. She couldn't use it carelessly.

That being said, she couldn't leave Iwabe to his own devices if he attempted to conceal his presence. And so, Sarada ran over to Boruto.


"I don't see Iwabe anywhere."

At Sarada's words, Boruto seemed mildly panicked and began looking around. "You're right. He really isn't here!"

"Wait, are you serious? What a pain." At Boruto's shock, Shikadai's face folded into a frown.

"This is up to the school field trip representative to handle, isn't it?"

"Seems like it. What are you gonna do?"

While Boruto's mind ran in circles, Shikadai tried to sort out the situation and come up with a plan. They were in tune with each other and made a good team, but in the current circumstance, having the two of them go after Iwabe wasn't the best idea.

"Boruto, you get along well with Iwabe don't you? Go look for him and come back." Sarada said while pointing a finger at him.

"Why me?" He raised his voice in protest.

Sarada also turned to Denki who was next to Boruto. "Denki will be your chaperone."

"Huhhh??" Denki joined along with Boruto in voicing his protest, both of them together at the same time.

"Do you have any complaints?" Sarada glared at both of them. It seemed like neither of them had anything else to say, but the response ended up coming from Shikadai.

"Hey, wait a second. Shouldn't I go instead of Denki? Either that or Kagura."

"I think Iwabe will listen to what Denki has to say. And Shikadai and Kagura need to stay here and help." As Sarada said this, she turned to Shino who was taking a commemorative photo with the students by the fountain. Both Shikadai and Kagura seemed to understand.

"It'd be better if me and Kagura were here to distract the teacher. Sounds like a drag, but I get it... Well then Boruto—No, I mean school field trip rep. We're counting on you."

"Good luck."

Boruto only stood silently and made a drained expression in return. 

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