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Before we being, I'd like to thank DreamHashira for the drawing below (you all will see it again a couple times later on).

Before we being, I'd like to thank DreamHashira for the drawing below (you all will see it again a couple times later on)

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I don't really know what else to say, so on with the Bad Guys in Blood Moon!

“Everything was perfect. People from across the city were gathered to witness the union of..."

“We already heard this one!" one kid complained.

“Uh, okay," Piranha said, feeling a little awkward. “Well... did I tell you guys about my first brawl?"

“You mean, when you were five and a caiman tried to eat you?" a girl asked.

“I survived, didn't I?" Piranha answered. Then, it hit him. “I know one I haven't told you guys yet."

“Is it how you and your friends had to save Christmas instead of steal it?" the first boy asked.

“Let him talk, Alfonso!" the littlest of them spat.

“Thank you, Sofia," Piranha said. Sofia smiled at him. “And, no. This happened after that. I had just married the most wonderful angelfish in the world."

“Ew!" all of the kids exclaimed in disgust.

“Hey, just be glad I'm not telling you what happened on our honeymoon."


Still half-asleep, Piranha subconsciously reached for the other side of the bed, but the moment he felt that there was nothing there, his eyes were wide open.

“Hermosa?" he called out. Feeling a little worried, he crawled out of bed, put on a shirt, and looked around the apartment for Gabi, only to find her slumped in a chair with her head on her drawing board and unfinished dress designs scattered on the ground. Piranha gently scooped her into his arms and carried her back to bed without waking her.

“Gabi, you can't keep doing this to yourself," he whispered, gently stroking the side of her face. It pained Piranha to see his wife get so worked up.

That morning, Gabi awoke to find herself back in bed. Piranha wasn't lying next to her so she just assumed he was already awake. Just before she could get up herself and go back to her work...

“Good morning, my lovely wife!" Piranha greeted as he stepped inside, holding up a tray of French toast, black coffee, and chocolate chip cookies. Once he got back up and placed the tray on Gabi's lap, he gave her a sweet kiss on the forehead.

“What's all this for?" she asked.

“Oh, nothing," Piranha replied. “Just wanted to do something nice for my woman, who was up half the night working too hard."

The Bad Guys in Blood MoonWhere stories live. Discover now