The Flock

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Wolf stepped into the room, feeling uneasy. Last he spoke to Diane, she asked a question he wouldn't answer.

“Hey," he muttered, almost silently. Diane heard him, however, and briefly turned her head to him. “Still mad at me?"

“Eh, don't worry. I've gotten over you sneaking out through a bathroom window."

Wolf put his ears back and said, “Look, I'm sorry. It was just... sudden. Okay?"

Diane weakly let out a forced laugh. “‘Sudden?' Wolf, We've been going out for nine months. It shouldn't have been sudden."

“Look, I just... I-I just..." Unable to explain, Wolf just pinched his brow in frustration. “Well, what do you want me to do?"

“Right now?" Diane asked. “Find out who was behind this attack. There could be someone or something bigger behind it."

“What about your arm?"

“I'll be fine, and so will you guys," she assured him. “If anyone can solve this, it's you."

“The guy who shot Diane was wearing a patch with this symbol on it," Webs explained to the rest of the Bad Guys, showing the image on her phone

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“The guy who shot Diane was wearing a patch with this symbol on it," Webs explained to the rest of the Bad Guys, showing the image on her phone. “Don't tell anyone, but I hacked into the government's system and looked at traffic cams throughout the country. I managed to find at least five other animals wearing that same patch."

“And your point is?" Snake asked.

“All five of them were reported missing within the last six years," she replied. “Ira Deere, 2019. Lindsey Swanson, 2022. Georgia “Peach" Lamb, just three months ago. Lionel–"

“Webs, we get it," Wolf interrupted. “What else were you able to pick up?"

“Well, I noticed one of them putting up flyers," she said, opening up her laptop. “Let me just zoom and enhance, and... There!"

“It doesn't say anything about the Hatchling or the Blood Moon, but I do know there's an eclipse coming up

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“It doesn't say anything about the Hatchling or the Blood Moon, but I do know there's an eclipse coming up... AKA, a blood moon... so, there's obviously a connection between those things."

The gang noticed Piranha chuckling and Shark said, “What's so funny?"

“That sheep," he said while laughing. “Her name is Georgia, and her nickname is Peach because they're grown in Georgia."

“Okay, that is pretty funny," Shark admitted.

“Hey!" Wolf barked. “Come on, guys. Focus. What are those, map coordinates?"

“Apparently," Webs replied. “I guess they didn't want to give out a real address."

“Well, where is it?" Snake asked.

Webs searched the location of the coordinates on MapIt and said, “5th Avenue, New York City."

“Then, that's where we're going," Wolf decided.

“Wait, right now?" Snake said with a raised eyebrow.

“Yeah, right now! We got find this Flock and stop them before anyone else gets hurt!"

Shark raised his fin and said, “Can we go tomorrow? I have an audition for Monique's theatre troupe tonight."

Wolf sighed. “Okay, fine."


That evening, Gabi made it back home to her apartment and dropped the keys in the bowl on the small crate next to the door.

“Baby, I'm home," she sighed, wiping sweat off the side of her head. “Work was such a killer today, I... Wait, what's with the suitcase? Are you leaving me?"

“What? No," Piranha replied. “Hermosa, I may be crazy, but I'm not deranged. I'm going with the guys to find this group called the Flock."

“That's funny," Gabi said. “Last week, I found a flyer for that taped to the shop door. I thought it was a trap set up by animal testing labs."

“Well, apparently, that guy who shot Diane was affiliated with them," Piranha explained. “First thing in the morning, we head for New York."

“Well, good luck with that," Gabi replied. “I'll be at my drawing board if you need me."

Suddenly, Piranha had an idea and grabbed Gabi by the waist.

“Oop! What are you...?!"

“Come with us!" he suggested. “You don't even have to be part of the mission. You can just shop and see a show on Broadway, eat pizza... You can't pass out on that! Plus... You really need a break from work."

“But cariño, it's almost Halloween," Gabi pointed out. “I'm the number one provider of princess and witch costumes in town!"

“Leave the Rat Pack in charge, they can take care of the store for a couple of weeks," Piranha suggested as Gabi's phone started ringing. “Besides, I've seen you draw up all those designs already. Please, Gabi? For me?"

“Hold that thought," Gabi said, answering her phone. “Hey, Monique! How are the auditions going?"

“A few promising leads, so far. Hey, did you know the Bad Guys are going to NYC?"

“Yeah, my husband just told me," Gabi replied. “Can you believe this? He asked me to go with them. How crazy is that?"

“What can I say?" Piranha interrupted, kissing her cheek.

“Honey!" Gabi giggled. “I'm on the phone!"

“Gabs, you have to go!"

“No, I have to stay home and run the boutique," Gabi corrected.

“Oh, come on! Going to the greatest city in the world is the opportunity of a lifetime! Besides, you reeeeeeally need a vacation."

“My honeymoon was six months ago!"

“That doesn't count, and you know it. Go! See the city!"

Monique hung up before Gabi could argue any further. The pink angelfish noticed Piranha smirking in satisfaction.

“Okay, I'll go with you."

Guys, I am so sorry.

The Bad Guys in Blood MoonWhere stories live. Discover now