The Harder They Fall

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“I wish this wasn't our last summer together," said fifteen-year-old Gabi to Mi-Na. “You've inspired me so much, even though everyone else called our designs freakish."

“Oh, please," Mi-Na replied, “all I did was push you hard enough to break the mold those oppressive humans built for us."

“I don't think they're that bad," Gabi admitted. “Besides, at least some of them must see your worth. You got offered an internship in Paris! That's every designer's dream!"

“Yeah," Mi-Na lied. “But I might just take the one in Seoul or something. It's a big decision and I still haven't even turned eighteen yet. But I do know one thing. I'm gonna create something the world has never seen before. Then, they will see my true power."

“Uh, Mi-Na, you're kinda scaring me," Gabi muttered. Mi-Na just turned her head 180 degrees and smirked at her.

“Before I go, I just have one quick question," she said to the little angelfish. “Do you trust me?"

“You-You always ask me that," Gabi stammered.

“I said, do you trust me?" Mi-Na asked again, her voice much more menacing and... oddly alluring.


At that moment, Mi-Na turned her body back around so she could wrap one wing around Gabi's waist and place the other on her leg, and forcefully pressed her beak against Gabi's lips. Gabi wanted to push her away, but her brain went numb as she felt something inside her wither away. So, instead, she just fell limp and unwillingly let it continue.

After two minutes, Mi-Na finally pulled away, sat Gabi down on a bench and said, “See you again... Aura."

As the eagle-owl flew off, Gabi just sat there in confusion.

“What just happened?"


Gabi made her way up the Hatchling's back as it climbed all the way to the top of the Empire State Building, Minerva riding on its head and ripping off her cloak.

“Let them know!" she screeched as it roared in its mother's triumph. “You are the one who will destroy them, and I will rule the new world, whether the rest of the animal kingdom likes it or not!"


Minerva turned her head around to find the pink angelfish glaring at her with a fire burning in those large blue eyes of hers.

“Hold your ground," Minerva whispered to the Hatchling, then flew towards her and grabbed her by her giant head with her talons. “Oh, now you decide to take my side?! Because I'm powerful?! Because you feel guilty?!"

Gabi cried out in pain as Minerva scratched her head up and ripped out part of her fin. She attempted to slip away, but Minerva tossed her up and grabbed her waist and one of her arms as she flew higher up. Gabi tried to grab the medallion with her free fin, but she couldn't reach.

“You forgot about what he had in favor of that green little monster!" Minerva screeched, squeezing Gabi's stomach. “How dare you, you pathetic, fat piece of pellet! You've been mine ever since we met, when you didn't even know it! I just swallowed you up and coughed you out! I made you perfect! I made you Aura!"

Suddenly, Gabi grabbed the end of Minerva's wing, pulling it down, and bit hard into it! Minerva screamed in agony as she felt her wing break, and accidentally let go of Gabi, who used this opportunity to rip the medallion off the owl's neck. As they both landed on the Hatchling's back, Minerva rubbed her broken wing and then noticed her medallion was gone!

“The name's Gabi," said Gabi, holding up the medallion. “Gabi... Piranha."

“No!" Minerva shouted as Gabi bit the pendant hard, making the gem shatter and lose its glow. Once it was free from Minerva's control, the Hatchling went on a psychotic rampage and began smashing it's paws into the building. Minerva lost her footing and, without the ability to fly, she began to fall.

Knowing what would happen next, Gabi jumped off the Hatchling, grabbed the overlook guardrail, and climbed back up. She, then, noticed the Hatchling staring at her with anguish in its eyes. It growled at her painfully as its heart began to give out.

Descansa," she whispered, rubbing its face tenderly before it lost its grip and fell hundreds of feet onto the pavement. Gabi looked up as the eclipse became partial, and she couldn't help but feel sympathy for the poor Hatchling. A creature made only for someone else's gain.

Once Gabi made it all the way back down, she found Minerva on the sidewalk, struggling to get back on her feet.

“I hope you're happy," she groaned in both fury and agony. “You killed my son, destroyed my life's work. The planet... and the animal kingdom... will only continue to suffer. Everything I did... was to create a better world."

“You didn't want to make the world better," Webs said as she, the rest of the Bad Guys, and a few police officers approached her. “You just hated the world for what it did to you and what you let it turn you into."

“Arrest that owl," Wolf told the police. They complied, and carried her away to a van.

“Think she'll ever come back?" Snake asked Wolf.

“Birds of a feather flock together," Wolf replied. “And I doubt she has anyone to flock with anymore."

At that moment, Gabi turned around to face Piranha, who immediately noticed all of her cuts. Taking a deep breath, she quickly said, “I work too hard."

“Oh, Gabi..." he sighed as he held her face tight. “I'm so proud of you."

Next chapter should be the last one (unless I have to write an epilogue), so remember to grab some tissues.

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