Settling In

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“Here's your identification," a panther said as he handed each of the Bad Guys a black t-shirt with a number code on them. “Ismene will take you to where you all will be staying."

“How come Gabi... I mean, Aura... didn't get a shirt?" Shark asked as Gabi was giving a white and golden dress robe.

“When Mother Minerva gives someone their true name, they no longer need an identification," Ismene explained. “See?"

“My most beloved Flock, join me in celebration of our latest fully fledged member!" Minerva announced over a large screen. A bright light shown on a young white-tailed doe. “OV-505, you have proven yourself a helpful and loyal member of our family. From this day forward, you shall be known as Lybia. The Flock welcomes you with open wings, paws, and claws. Keep making us proud."

“I will make you proud," Lybia swore, her voice sounding empty. Piranha glanced back at Gabi with concern.

“Wolf, have you lost your mind?!" Snake angrily whispered in his friend's ear. “We were trying to get Gabi out, not trap ourselves in!"

“Relax, we'll figure this out," Wolf tried to reassure her, though even he was beginning to have doubts. “You saw the way that oversized chicken was with Gabi. We'll just listen to what Minerva told her. Then, we can work on a plan."

“I don't like this," Webs said in disgust. “Look at my shirt, it has a big BS on it! Who would do such a thing?!"

“Blame the Oppressors," Ismene replied. “They're the ones who gave you the name Brachypelma smithi."

“Oh, yeah," Webs realized. “I forgot about that."

“I'm sorry, break a what?" Piranha asked.

“Your friend is a red-knee tarantula," Ismene pointed out. “Brachypelma smithi is the scientific name the Oppressors gave her. So until she breaks free from them and earns her true name, she will be called BS-829. I was CR-011 before earning the name of Ismene."

Piranha looked down at the stitching on his shirt to read PN-177. “Okay, that's not creepy at all. And, uh, who were you before you were CR-011?"

“That information is classified," Ismene stated once they arrived at a door. “Welcome to your new home until after the Blood Moon. Now, go change and get some rest. Except you, CL-252. I have a few questions for you."

“Um... Okay?" Wolf agreed nervously as everyone else went inside.

“Why did you do it?"

“Do what?" Wolf asked the younger wolf. She didn't seem to be much older than eighteen, and her copper eyes were gleaming with curiosity.

“Redeem yourselves in the eyes of the Oppressors," she said. “I know who you and your friends are. They ran from you until you started helping them. Why would you do that?"

“We did what was right," Wolf answered. “No other reason."

“But why?" Ismene asked again. “I'm a living example of what they've done. Gray wolves may be doing fine for now, but my species is dying because of those... those monsters."

“Ismene... they think we're monsters," Wolf pointed out. “I don't know what Minerva is planning, but do you really think this'll make things better?"

Ismene thought about this for a moment, but then, remembered her place and said, “I shouldn't have opened my big mouth. Just get some rest. Tomorrow night is the Blood Moon. We must prepare."

“Kid, wait!" Wolf replied, but it was too late. The young red wolf had run off.


The Bad Guys in Blood MoonWhere stories live. Discover now