The Hospital

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Unaware of what was happening on the other side of town, Wolf just laid on his couch with the cat resting on his lap as he watched a movie.

“Give me the map! Trust me!"

“Trust you? Like I did in Santa Coloma?"

“Really? Santa Coloma?"

“Si, Santa Coloma!"

“Relationships are complicated, am I right?" Wolf said. The cat just jumped off him and pushed the buttons on the remote until the channel changed. “Hey, I was watching that!"

“This just in!" Tiffany Fluffit reported. “Governor Foxington has been injured after an assassination attempt during a political debate against James Welles."

“What?!" Wolf exclaimed.

“The perpetrator was found dead at the scene after consuming a cyanide pill," Tiffany continued as they showed a picture of the chameleon. “No information on the sniper's identity or any other injured people have been released yet, but three members of the Bad Guys were reported at the scene and are currently being questioned as witnesses. This is a developing story."

Wolf quickly turned off the TV, grabbed his jacket, and ran to the elevator. As he got in his car, he pulled out his phone and speed dialed Snake.


“Did you really have to buy all of the balloons?" Snake asked his son as the fire department helped him down from a tree.

“The salesperson was very persuasive," Quentin said defensively. “Buy one for $50, get the other nineteen free! Thought I'd surprise the kids!"

“I guess it worked," Andy said as Susie giggled.

“As we were driving to the wedding chapel," Allison whispered to Snake, “my father kept telling me, ‘Sweetie, this is not a normal guy.'"

“Yeah, well, he's our not-normal-guy," Snake said as he pulled out his ringing phone and answered it. “Hello?"

“Snake, Diane's been shot! She's in the ER!"

“Wait, seriously?" Snake asked. “I'll be there as soon as I can."

“What was that about?" Quentin wondered once he was back on the ground.

“Diane's hurt," Snake answered.

“Oh, my goodness!" Allison gasped. “We gotta get to the hospital."

“Mom, can we go to Super Nintendo World now?" Susie asked. “Please, please, please?"

“Dad and I will go, you stay with the kids," Quentin said to his wife. “I don't want to ruin the day for them... anymore than I already have."

“Okay," Allison replied. She gave Quentin a quick kiss goodbye and he slithered off with Snake.

“Where are Dad and Grandpa going?" Andy asked.

“They went on the big snake rides," Allison quickly lied. “Let's go to Nintendo World."


After about two hours of being questioned, Webs, Shark and Piranha finally arrived at the hospital where Diane was being kept.

“I can't believe someone tried to kill Welles," Shark said, still flabbergasted. “I mean, I know he's a self-centered jerk, but that's a little too far."

“Well, that lizard with the crossbow called him and all humans Oppressors," Webs pointed out. “I have a feeling that even if it wasn't Welles, whatever human would be running against Diane would still have been his target."

The Bad Guys in Blood MoonWhere stories live. Discover now