Road Trip

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"Guys, I'm excited to go on my very first cross country road trip," Gabi said as they drove down the highway, "but wouldn't it have been faster to just take a plane to New York?"

"Yes," Wolf replied. "You, me, Snake, Webs, and Shark could've gotten on an airplane..."

"Please don't say it," Piranha muttered nervously.

"... but Piranha's on the no fly list," Wolf finished.

"He said it," Piranha groaned.

"Why? What did you do?" Gabi asked, raising an eyebrow.

"Funny story," said Webs. "It was seven years ago, and-"

"No, wait!" Piranha interrupted. "Let me tell it. I'll feel less nervous if I do, and you know what happens when I get nervous."

"Do what you need to do," Shark chuckled.

Piranha sighed. "We were on a plane to go to my brother Jorge's wedding. Halfway through the flight, my stomach felt a little funny, so I went to use the bathroom..."

"Please don't say it," Gabi pleaded, feeling nauseous.

"One hour and two rolls of toilet paper later, the plane had to do an emergency landing and I was kicked off once they fixed the toilet," Piranha concluded. "I had to swim the rest of the way to Bolivia. Through the ocean, no less."

"Good thing you didn't go in the ocean," Snake joked, making the others laugh.

"What was I supposed to do?" Piranha said defensively. "I tried to unclog it, but I couldn't find a plunger and the water was overflowing."

"Right, just water," Webs cackled. Gabi felt the urge to barf.

"Wolfie, can we pull over?" Piranha asked. "I need some fresh air."

"Sure, buddy," Wolf replied as he began to pull over. "We've all been there."

“Hey, Wolfie, I'm getting hungry," Piranha said as they drove through Oklahoma

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“Hey, Wolfie, I'm getting hungry," Piranha said as they drove through Oklahoma. “Can we stop somewhere for a quick bite?"

“What did you have in mind?" Wolf asked.

“Hopefully, not gas station sushi again," Webs chuckled with Shark and Snake joining her.

Piranha glared at his friends and bitterly said, “I was thinking that diner over there."

Wolf parked his car into the parking lot and everyone approached the door.

“Let's get out grub on!" Shark growled excitedly as his stomach rumbled. “The heart knows what the belly wants!"

“Take it easy, Sharkie," Webs said. “You might scare everyone else in the restaurant."

“You're right, I'm sorry," he said. “I'll keep the lid on."

“Just in case, maybe I should be the one to introduce us," Gabi suggested. “I was up late the other night writing index cards for moments like this."

“Hermosa, you didn't have to do that," Piranha insisted, upset that she was pushing herself too hard.

“It's okay, I want to do this," she replied as they all went inside. Gabi pulled out a card and said to the waitress, “¡Hola! We're from Southern California!"

At that moment, everyone in the diner glared at them simultaneously like provoked owlets in a nest. While the rest of group stared back with wide eyes, Snake just looked down at the angelfish in disappointment.

“Okay, then," Gabi said nervously, turning to the displeased hostess. “We'll do forty-eight pancakes to go."

As the Bad Guys stepped back outside with their to-go bags, they found at least a hundred more people staring daggers at them. The six animals slowly, silently made their way back to the car. Once they were in, Wolf started the car and Webs briefly looked back at the people.

“Webs, what are you doing?" Piranha whispered, turning her head back around. “They sense fear."


“So, after she left me at the alter," Shark said as they carried on through a long tunnel, “I decided traveling the seas was the best way to mend my broken heart. 'Cause, y'know, two hundred tuna sandwiches didn't help. When I saw her again in Fiji, I was too nervous to confront her. So, I ‘borrowed' a swimmer's clothes and she didn't even recognize me. That's how I became a master of disguise."

“And that's how the notorious Mr. Shark came to be," Wolf said. Snake tipped his hat and Piranha and Webs clapped. Piranha then noticed Gabi doodling away in a sketchpad.

“Gabi, weren't you listening to Shark?" Piranha asked.

“Yeah, yeah," Gabi muttered. “Sorry about your wedding."

“Don't be," Shark said. “Took her leaving for me to realize she wasn't right for me."

“Good for you," Snake replied. “Sometimes, it takes being dumped to realize you're better off."

“Like you and Hailey Slithersen?" Webs asked.

“Hey, she didn't dump me," Snake said. “Her parents sent her away."

“Then, why didn't you look for her?" Wolf asked.

“I thought she was better off without me," he admitted. “Not that it matters. I found out ten years ago that she died in a car crash."

“Oh, I'm sorry to hear that," Webs said.

“Hermosa, I hate to do this," Piranha whispered to his wife, “but I don't think you should be working while we're on a road trip."

“This road trip is work," Gabi pointed out. “We're looking for the Flock to find out what they're planning and stop them."

“We can worry about that once we get into the city," he said. “Come on, mi amor. What's gotten into you?"

“I don't wanna talk about it."

“It's my job to know when something's wrong," Piranha argued.

“Please drop it, cariño," Gabi pleaded.

“What are you guys talking about?" Wolf wondered.

“Gabi's upset and she won't tell me why," Piranha said angrily.


“Just tell me what's bothering you!"

“Not if you're gonna tell it to them, too!" Gabi said in refusal.

In an attempt to change the subject, Shark looked around and said, “Guys! Look!"

As Wolf drove the car out of the tunnel, the group noticed the Empire State Building towering over the city. After a week of driving, the Bad Guys had finally arrived.

“We made it, guys!" Webs cheered. “New York City!"

Now, here comes the tricky part...

The Bad Guys in Blood MoonWhere stories live. Discover now