Casting Shadows

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“Praise the Hatchling, for he will open our wings," the crowd continued chanting. The ones the group attempted to convert were quieter, but still seemingly lost.

“It's not working, guys," Wolf said to his friends.

“I was afraid of this," Scarlet admitted. “Mother's influence is too powerful. It would take more than just the four of us to wake them up."

“Don't worry, guys. I'm on that," Webs assured them. “Minerva's been cutting off all communications with network-blockers installed throughout the city. They don't affect anything above the surface, but down here, there's no data or wi-fi to make or receive calls."

“I could've heard from Monique this whole time?" Shark exclaimed quietly.

“Calm down, Sharkie," Webs said. “Piranha, have you disabled the intercoms yet? We need these guys to have nothing to listen to."

“I have a better idea," Piranha replied with a smirk as he climbed back up the air ducts and into the Muse chamber, where he found a tape recorder on playback in front of a tiny microphone next to a desk lamp.

Elsewhere Minerva, with a wing wrapped around Gabi, climbed up a pedestal behind a microphone. She tapped on it with her claw to get the crowd's attention.

“My dear Flock," she said warmly. “In just a few minutes, the Blood Moon shall reach totality and the Hatchling shall rise. It'll be the end of the Oppressors, we shall all be set free, and a new, far greater era will dawn with morning's first light. Before we begin, I think it would be fitting for my bride, our precious Aura, to lead the Hymn of Promise."

As Minerva gave her speech, Piranha ripped the tape out of the recorder and after a few vocal warm-ups, prepared his big idea.

“I don't know about this," Gabi whispered, attempting to buy some time, as Minerva ushered her in front of the mic.

“They won't care that you have a weak singing voice," Minerva assured her. “Any voice that uplifts the Flock will be strong in their ears."

“But, uh–"

“Sing. Now."

Gabi shivered once again as she heard his voice.

“This'll be bad," Snake whispered to Wolf. “We all know Gabi can't sing."

“That's what you're worried about?" Wolf asked in disbelief.

Having no control over the situation, Gabi took a deep breath, but just before she could let out a single note...

Am I angry?

Tell me, am I angry

At the picture in my head?

On what's ahead?

Everyone looked around in confusion as they heard Piranha's powerful voice over the intercom. With Minerva being the most perplexed of all.

I'm trying to have patience

But my heart keeps on breaking

'Cause I trust you to protect

But you tell these lies instead

Too many times we let you get away with murder

How are we to explain this insanity to our future?

“Disregard that voice, my Flock!" Minerva said, attempting to remain calm. “Aura, try to out-sing him."

“No one can do that," Gabi insisted with a proud smile.

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