Changing The Tide

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“I thought about what you said, Mr. Wolf, and you may be right," Scarlet confessed. “I was the bioengineer for the Hatchling, and I watched as each specimen died in agony. The final product is suffering just as much, and Mother doesn't seem to care. She says as long as she keeps him content, there won't be any trouble."

“How does she keep him content?" Webs asked.

“I don't know entirely," she admitted. “It was a skunk named Atlas who helped her with that, and he disappeared before he could explain it to me. All I know is he designed a device out of some extra-terrestrial energy."

“Well, we'll figure it out," Wolf admitted. “Do you at least know where those voices on the speakers are coming from?"

“The Muse chamber," Scarlet answered. “It's right above Mother's sleeping chamber. You have to go through the air ducts to access it."

“Okay, Piranha," Wolf said. “That's your cue."

“On it," Piranha replied as Shark helped him up to a duct and he ripped the cover off before climbing inside. “Let's clip this bird's wings!"

“Okay," Webs said, climbing inside a pipe. “I'll go inside Minerva's headquarters, hack into the system, and shut everything down. Scarlet, take this earpiece in case I need you. The rest of you, try to open everyone's eyes and ears. But don't draw attention to yourselves."

“But everyone will know our IDs," Snake pointed out. In response, Shark looked down at Janus, who was still unconscious, and smirked.

“I have an idea."

After abducting, tying up, and stealing the clothes of two other Flock members, a cobra and a jackal, Wolf and Snake prepared their disguises. As well as Shark, who was in Janus's robe and wore a fake set of horns.

“You sure this'll work?" Scarlet asked nervously, slipping her robe back on.

“If anyone can pull these sorts of things off, it's us," Snake replied, now wearing a fake cobra hood and a shirt that said OH-263. “Especially Shark."

“How's my broody face look?" Shark asked, giving them a fake scowl.

“Perfect," Wolf replied, now wearing an eye patch and a shirt that read CA-540. “Alright, guys. Let's uh... Let's spread some dissention."


Unaware of Ismene's betrayal and Janus's disappearance, Minerva stared at her Flock gathering in the plaza with pride. All of her years of hard work were finally paying off. From a meek owlet marked as a monster by the Oppressors, to a fully fledged leader and hero to the animal kingdom.


Five-year-old Mi-Na Huu was, yet again, having lunch by herself on the school playground. Before she could bite into her peanut butter sandwich, however, a mouse-shaped cat toy landed on top of it.

“Thought you'd like some extra meat in your sandwich," a human girl said, snickering at her with two other girls.

“I can't eat polyester," Mi-Na muttered, tossing it aside.

“You know, Miss Meyers almost considered letting you watch the class bunny this weekend," another girl revealed. “Luckily for the bunny, I was able to talk her out of it. Wanna know how?"

Mi-Na didn't respond.

“I told her it'd be considered animal endangerment to leave a cute, fluffy, defenseless creature in the clutches of a monster who would more than likely eat it alive."

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