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His lips parted... unable to speak and make a sound he just looked at his friend with an unreadable expression on his face...

He blinked a few times before turning and glaring at his friend,

"You think this is funny, mark?!" yin's voice sounded full of annoyance but between mark and yin, neither of them had make a move. Having each other's sharp and serious gazes, mark on one side, he finally looked down sadly at  yin's expression that seemed to be starting to hate him.

"I know you, yin... and you know me well too. You should know that I never joke about things like this..." Mark finally spoke up.

Yin threw away Mark's hand, grinding his teeth tightly. He really didn't understand. He didn't need this kind of thing, where now his brain was almost bursting from being split in two by orm and war.

Seeing yin who was just beingsilent, mark continued.. "All this time I like you, yin. When you broke up with orm I thought you had opened your heart to another and I felt that there was something between us. But I even got news that you married-"

"Why are you like this...?" yin cut it off...

yin's hands slowly formed into a fist due to the sudden distraction that swept through his mind...
Mark felt a change in his voice ... turning to his friend before continuing.

"I don't know... maybe I still hope to get a chance to be with you because all this time... I thought you understood what I meant..."

Yin's eyes widened... gritted his teeth to suppress his anger...

"mark? Are you crazy?! Are you aware of what you're saying now?"

Mark sighed, his gaze hunted for the gaps in yin's eyes but when he saw only anger there he became sad.

"Why have you never refused my invitation, yin. You always give me high hopes with all your actions. We never-"

yin's hand restrained him from continuing.


"why are you telling me this?" war asked, his tone still very calm.

Orm sighed. Her eyebrows went up. Her face gave off a somewhat self-assured expression. "I just want to tell you, so you don't need to expect more from him because it's useless...yin will always love me no matter what happens he will definitely come back to me."

War didn't understand why this woman bothered to tell him all of that. He knows!! He already know! He knew that yin... somehow he didn't want to continue with that thought.

"I know you still love bever, right?"

War's heart and mind suddenly weakened hearing the woman's words.

" don't blame me if I am being like this, we are in the same position I hope you understand and don't ever try to take over yin from me!!"

"Hey.. What are you talking about?" the familiar sound awakened orm and war. They both turned to the source of the sound, finding bever walking towards them. His hands carried a towel, then squatted on the edge of the pool right above the color that was still in the pool.

Orm just smiled awkwardly then left them.

After orm left, bever glanced at war again, he sighed and shook his head..his face showed dissatisfaction.

"war.." he called.

War was silent, still thinking about what the woman said earlier. But when Bever's hand touched his shoulder, that slight touch sent an electric shock through his mind so that he regained consciousness.

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