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"Nara ..... wanaraaaaa ..." Jane's shout sound echoed at the house. War turned towards Yin who was now staring at him with an irritated face.

"Naraaaa ... where are you ?? Ohhh You here. !!" Jane's voice squealed. War touched his ear annoyed, it's still morning, they're having breakfast quietly.

"Naraa !!" Even the sound of the scream can be heard till kitchen where Yin had to shake his head in annoyance. He decided to approach them. War and Jane are hugging. Yin crossed both hands in front of his chest while watching from a distance. He smiled then sighed.

"Thank you for taking care of Millan ..." Jane had just returned from her vacation ... she quickly went straight to War's house to pick up Millan. Although War said that he did not mind to take care of Millan until next week but Jane was quite knowledgeable. She couldn't disturb war continuously because he had to work too. Yin just watch from afar, there wasn't a bit of desire to disturb their conversation but a small touch made him frown his forehead. He glanced down, saw Millan taping his pants. Yin's forehead shrinked in surprise to see his face. He squatted and asked, "Hey  ... What's wrong?"

Millan moved hiding in Yin's body. He sullen, his governing cheeks expanded but Yin could see sadness on his face while looking at a direction. Yin stroked his head then glanced at that direction. Somehow he could understand what was on his mind.

"Hmm ... don't be sad. We can meet again." Yin said, calming the pout-boy who would soon cry.

"Millan doesn't want to go home ... Millan wants to be here with Yin and nara Angkel  ..." Yin sighed then carried him, didn't know how to calm him down, he just stroked his head softly. At that moment their eyes met, War looked at him ... While Yin returned his gaze empty. Millan's body moved shrinking in Yin's arms, hiding his tiny body when he saw Jane and War walked over to him.

"Yin angkel ... let's run !! There is a monster approaching us... let's hide !!" The litol boy Whispered a little hysterical. Jane glared at her little bro ... "Heh chubby ... feel so good to be spoiled here huh !!" Jane said, making War need to stop her.

"Janeee ..." War complained.

Jane doesn't care at all, "Come home !!"

Yin sighed and glanced at War, saw his sad face and suddenly it make a turmoil in his chest that he could not explain. "Yin angkel ..." Millan whined while looking up at Yin's face with a pouted lips. "Angkel ... Millan wants to stay here with angkel ... Millan doesn't want to go home ..."

Yin's heart felt turbulent, how could he say that as if they were very close to him. How can he refuse. Again, Yin glanced at War who was just being silent. He sighed and looked at Jane. But Jane giving him a clear expression of rejection.

"Millan ... let's go home. Do you know that mom is home.." Hearing that, the little face glanced enthusiastically towards Jane. But then pouted and snorted, "nope, you are lying ... you also said that last month but mom is not home..."

Jane scratched her head, confused how to make more reason. "Millan let's go home ... I promise to play with you alot, OK?!" Jane try to convince him.

Millan peeked behind Yin's sturdy chest, "promise?!"

He asked, still frowned. Jane nodded, "Yeah promise! Let's go down first .." Jane asked, "You made me envy ..." jane continued making war glance at her frowning.

He shook, let alone you, I also jealous with Millan.. inner war.

Yes, all this time the only person who can make Yin be gentle and sweet was only millan. Even War noticed that Yin is not really gentle even to that woman. Remembering that woman again, War sigh heavily. He did not know what happened because yesterday he was lying in bed, but prom told him that Yesterday Yin and the woman had a big fight. He even shocked that Yin was so mad to the point someone need to stop him that day and the only person who was dare enough to do that is boun. Everyone was only able to pay attention and silent watching. But when War asks what's the problem? Prom did not answer clearly, he instead asked war to ask himself to yin. Well prom must be so clueless that doing that is the most difficult thing to do for war. How can he ask Yin? Thinking about it, he is more teriffied that his husband would be angry towards him more than anything.

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