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  "You didn't even come to my wedding, Jane."

  War sulked a little bit.  Jane smiled and gave him a sorry look while pouting.  Seeing this made war's hand reflexively pinch his sister's cheek. Without realizing that someone had been watching him, his forehead wrinkled thickly at what war was doing.

  "eii war.. forgive me my lovely brother. You also know that my school is so far away..and I'm in my final semester which is why im so freaking busy and stressed now.." jane complained.

  War smiled exasperatedly, he really missed the antique behavior of the only sister he had.  Jane is quite spoiled when she is with him and War really likes to spoil her.

  War pinched her cheeks again in annoyance.. Ignoring the tigers who had roared to pounce..war continued their 'moment'..yin's hands automatically clenched tightly, he couldn't explain what feelings he felt but his anger seemed to increase every minute, every second..

  ..yin's eyes bulged when he saw something in front of his eyes. Someone walk over war's table before him.

  What the fuck that bastard doing?

  Bever walked over to war, pulling him a little further away from jane.  While war and jane looked at him with confused looks.

  Bever separated War from Jane and sat between them quietly.  He looked at jane and stuck out his hand "hello I'm bever-"

  But instead of replying to Jane's handshake, she cut him off, her face smiling broadly while glancing at war.  "Oh you're the Bever who often war told me, huh?!"

  Jane grabbed war's hand and hit it furiously.  "OY..why didn't you ever tell me that Bever is so handsome like this."  her voice, war grimaced, why jane always unable to control her high pitch voice though.

  Bever's eyes blinked in surprise.

  War patted his forehead.  Sht!  Jane is perfect, perfectly mess him. Jane is,  pros: she is so pretty, cons: big mouth.

  "Ehem!!"  war looked up to the source of the sound, his eyes grew bigger when he saw a tiger that wanted to kill him right right now.  He sighed and swallowed dry saliva.

  War's body suddenly got so tense and nervous to see Yin walking towards him.  He bit the corner of his lip, not knowing how to deal with this situation.  War already knows that Yin doesn't like all of this.

  The dark aura could be felt so thick so dark at this moment, as two men stared at each other with intense gazes.  War sighed squeezing his hand tightly, he didn't know what to do..

  Seeing a man with a handsome face, sexy and charismatic aura standing in front of her, Jane's eyes immediately sparkled and rounded at the same time.  She innocently stood up and pulled Yin's hand while showing it to war.

  "Wow..who is this, war?"  She asked hysterically.  "Ishh I envy you so much, this is unacceptable that you have an acquaintance as handsome as this and you didnt bother to introduce him to me!!"  said jane then glanced at yin's face who look at her with cold gaze.

  What the fuck this idiot doing?! Yin thought wincing trying to get his hands off from jane.

  But before war explained Jane had spoken again with her cheerful tone, not even paying attention to Yin expression who show no interested  at all to her.  Yin became doubtful that this woman had a 'special' relationship with war.

  "I'm Jane, I'm single. What's your name?!"

  Yin sighed, "yin, my name is yin!"

  "oh..yin, your name is so cute. Eh, do you have a lover yet?"  with confidence she asked like that made yin have to glance at war with a questioning look.

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