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~*Part 27*~








                Oh this is not good. The man that caused the girl I love so much pain was standing right in her doorway. Everyone froze we were all just staring at Nick except for Natalie she had her face buried so deep into my shirt. She was sobbing uncontrollably but she was still standing.

“How do you all know my boyfriend?” Amilia asked.

After she asked, Natalie looked up her eyes red from crying, as she looked over at her cousin.

“Wait this is your boyfriend.” She said in a stern voice.

“Yes” Amilia replied. How do you know him?

I wanted to punch this guy’s face in not only did he break my loves heart, cheat on her with her cousin but now he was smiling, not a happy smile a sick and twisted smile.

“He used to be my boyfriend, but he cheated on me. With you” Natalie said angrily.

Just then the oaf standing in the doorway decided to speak.

“Can I come in?” he seemed happy about what he was doing to these girls.

Natalie looked so angry but she walked calmly over to Nick and very calmly kicked him where no man should be kicked, he bent over and she grabbed the back of his shirt dragged him outside the house and slammed the door,

“Well I wouldn’t want to be him right now!” Louis screamed. We all started laughing but then I noticed Amilia she was crying. I walked over to comfort her but the closer I got I realised she wasn’t sad she was angry.

“That girl was always jealous of me, she can’t stand when I have something she wants she always has to take it from me!” She screamed. She ran to the door grabbed her boyfriend and drove off in his car.








                “You lying cheating pig, really my cousin I know you knew who she was, I can’t believe you! Is that why you couldn’t come in the limo you wanted to make your big entrance! Well you got it, did you ever love me, and you are such a jerk!” I screamed at him he was still hunched over.

“You kicked me in the balls!” Nick shouted.

“I’d gladly do it again.”

Just then Amilia burst through the door grabbed Nick called me a not so nice word and said she was staying with him until they both go back to Toronto. Niall ran out to make sure that I was okay.

“Are you alright darling?”

“Yeah I’m fine Niall I feel like I should be upset but I am glad that I got my closure with him.”

“Well can I just say that your ball-kicking skills are amazing!” I giggled.

“Thanks I’ve known my share of jerks, Harry was the first guy I met who wasn’t one.”

“What about me?”

“You are amazing; you are the nicest guy even after I acted all bitchy to you at the X-Factor”

“You were just upset.”

“I guess anyway I am starving let’s go get something to eat.”

“I agree”

I was smiling from ear to ear I looked over at Niall and he was to.

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