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~*Part 28*~









~*June 15th 2014*~




We have been living in London for about 4 months now, actually exactly 4 months because we landed March 15th and everything is pretty good. The only thing is that it is very cloudy and we get a lot of headaches because of how cloudy it is... well i do.

Another problem is means of transportation. We have no idea how to drive here and the boys are gone on their WWA tour. So we pretty much were left to fend for ourselves. We try taking the bus but the routes are so hard to learn it's not like back home where they are just straight routes. In other words we don't take the bus a lot. Then there is the train, not even going to start on that. Finally there is the tube (Subway) and we have sort of gotten a hang of it. Except for the one mishap when Brianna and i tried to go grocery shopping, we ended up getting off 5 stops after we were supposed to. Yeah we have been eating a lot of delivery fast food.

I honestly miss home so much and now that the boys are gone we feel kind of lonely. We have no friends and even though the boys have tried to introduce us to some people we just haven't clicked with any of them. For some reason the seem very closed minded on the thought of Canadians being their friends. The boys try their hardest to Skype us as often as possible but really often is like once a week. Cassie and Lizzie are beginning to talk about going home. Easy for them to do they have a place waiting for them but the rest of us don't have family in Toronto. Tish, Brianna and I don't have our parents waiting for us, they are all friends so they are doing this whole trip around the world thing with a group where they live with a family somewhere for 3 months. They don't even know where they are going until they get the ticket. Cassie and Lizzie's parents aren't as...well...the word we use is crazy as our parents.




~*a while later*~




It is currently October 5th 2014 and today the boys are doing their last show in Miami. We miss them so much. Honestly i just can't wait to see Niall again they left right when we were starting to really like each other. We flew down to Toronto to surprise them at one of the concerts. It was so much fun seeing them up there just doing what they love but as i have been learning every good event has a bad one just to balance the scale. Cassie and Lizzie decided to not tell us that they would be on the plane going to Canada but not on the one coming back. It was horrible they walked with us all the way to the gate and waved at us as we walked in. I know you are asking "well did you not see the lack of suitcases" well my friends they took their own car came late and said they got lost. ugh! Anyway we made up but we are not as close to them now but really i can't even think of that because i am going to get to see Niall in a few days!!!!

A/N: This is just an update on how the girls are doing promise in the next part the boys will be back.

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