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~*Part Twenty-Two*~
















        "What did you do!!!!!" I screamed.

"Nothing" Niall replied.

"Sure you didn't" Cassie said sarcastically.

"Niall tell us NOW!!!!!!!!!" Lizzie said, she started off calm but then she started to scream.

"Nothing really" Niall said with fear in his voice.

"BOY YOU BETTER TELL ME OR I'M GONNA BEAT THAT PRETTY LITTLE RICH BOY FACE OF YOURS!!!!" Brianna  screamed while clenching her fist in Niall's face.

"Alright i ermm sort of......"

"SPIT IT OUT!!!!" Cassie screamed.

"I yelled at her and she ran off crying." Niall blurted out.

"YOU IDIOT SHE CAN GO AND FAINT NOW. WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU!!!!!!!!" Brianna blurted out. After she went into a rage mode, it took all of us to hold her back, maybe that's why the other boys ran when they saw us coming.















           "Niall what did you do to Natalie." Harry said looking very angry. Well i know why he looks angry he told me before the girls came off the plane that he wants to protect them like an older brother (except Lizzie because she is his girlfriend).

"I got mad and yelled at her."

"WHAT!?!?!?" Louis said firmly.

"Why do you care Louis" I said trying not to sound rude.

"I can answer, we all feel the same way, we want to help and watch over these girls like they are our younger sisters.They have no one here and we just want to make sure they are safe." Liam said with a brotherly tone in his voice.

"Yeah we do" Zayn added

"Well maybe not all of us." Louis said while glancing at me.

"No i do it's just i got so mad when i saw Natalie in the arms of that boy." I confessed.

"You like her." Harry said.

"Woah angry girls twelve-o-clock." Louis said as he started to walk away.

"Don't they look so cute mad." Harry said.

"Yes adorable know let's go i don't want to get stuck in this." Louis cowardly said.

"Good luck mate." Liam said.

"We would normally stick up for you but these girls are vicious." Harry said. To be honest after he said that i got scared, he has known these girls for a while.

















      "Natalie wait." I said.

She stopped and turned around she had tears rolling down her cheeks.

"What's wrong?" i asked. No reply she just stood there looking into nothing than her eyes started twitching and she fell to the ground.

"Natalie!!!!!!" I heard Harry scream.

"She has never fainted so suddenly" I said.

"She is just super upset" Brianna.

"Why?" i asked again

"Because Niall yelled at her." Tish said.

"Why would you care that much?" I asked.

"Because i still like him." Natalie said while sitting up.

"What?" Niall said with confusion

I looked at her then him than everybody. I started running and didn't stop. No one came running after me.

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