Chapter 5

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After Seungkwan and I finished our meal, we headed directly to the field to begin our first activity, horseback riding.

Instead of strolling, this child gleefully skipped towards the stable, where we would select our horse to ride on.

When I entered the barn, there were several horses relaxing in their stables. It was thrilling to witness, and as we were watching the animals nearby, we were approached and greeted.


We turned to see Kim Mingyu, the president of Hybe University's student council.

"Student council president."

"What are you doing here?" I inquired.

"Us student councils are permitted to assist in at least two activities, so here I am!"

"I see," I replied.

Our conversation continued on, with Mingyu teaching us how to tame our own horses.

When we finally decided on our horses, we made sure they had everything they needed for us to ride securely.

We saddled our horses and led them outside to the field before we mounted. Seungkwan was the first to mount his selected horse, and he rode it around the field with the assistance of Mingyu, of course.

I stood there watching him have fun while trying to figure out how to climb on this animal. A man's voice spoke from behind me while I struggled.

"Do you need any help, Ms?"

When I turned around, a man dressed casually and wearing a school ID appeared. He was tall and had a keen look. He might be the same height as Mingyu.

"I'll be OK, thank you," I said as I got on the horse, but I slipped due to the animal's height and size. But before my ribs struck the wooden steps, the man grabbed me and carried me, bridal style.

"T-thank you," I murmured nervously. As dramatic as it may sound, I truly believed that would be the end of me. Seungkwan's theatrical demeanor may have snagged me. How frightening that boy's energy is.

"No problem," he said as he lowered me. Just as I got down, Seungkwan approached me with his horse and Mingyu.

"Are you okay, Y/N?" he said, alarmed.

"Yes, this man saved me just in time; I'm alright," I said calmly.

"It's no problem; I'm glad I came here to help," the man remarked, smiling at me. I returned the glance with a soft grin and bowed lightly.

Seungkwan instantly cut us off as we seemed to be flirting from his perspective.

"Thank you for your assistance, um,"

"Jun, Moon Junhui."

"Thank you for your assistance, Jun; you may now leave."

"If you don't mind, I'd like to participate in this activity."

"Yes, we do mind—"

"—No, no, we don't." I shut Seungkwan up.

"Excellent! I'll go grab my horse."

"I'll assist you; please wait here, Seungkwan, Y/n." Mingyu said before entering the barn with Jun. I looked at Seungkwan in surprise as he stepped off the horse.

"Are you okay?" the lad said as he checked my body from head to toe for injuries and as he did so, I felt irritated.

"I'm OK, Seungkwan!" I shouted as I pushed his arms away from me.

"I'm just concerned, and that Jun guy seemed dangerous; we shouldn't approach him."

"And how is he dangerous?"

He suddenly began stuttering, trying to figure out what to say. "I just sensed it," he adds.

I knew he was lying, and the actual reason was hidden from me. Knowing this, I stayed silent, said nothing, and went about my business as I got on the back of my horse. but this time it worked.

Seungkwan, Jun, and I were taught how to ride horses during our activity. However, as time went on, more students came to join us and watch.

Students wearing the same uniform as Jun were cheering him on. He must be well liked at his school. These ladies aren't going away.

I was minding my own business and concentrated on riding my horse around the field, but Seungkwan regarded it as a challenge.

This child commanded his horse to run, but things didn't go as planned. Instead of fleeing, the horse halted when he commanded it with his foot. As a result, Seungkwan fell in front of him and onto the ground.

Seeing that, Jun rushed to him and lifted him off the ground. I was able to jump off seconds later.

"What were you thinking, Seungkwan?" I rushed up to him as Jun helped him up.

"Sorry. I thought I could control him."

"Are you okay, Seungkwan-Ah?" Mingyu inquired, rushing towards us.

"Yes, I am; I'm sorry about that."

"Please avoid directing the horse to do anything other than walk," Mingyu urged, adding, "Jun here is a professional, therefore he is an exception."

"A professional?" I asked.

"I've been riding horses since I was a youngster," Jun stated.

"That explains why."

Seungkwan was ashamed of the uproar he had created. I noticed and considered ending this session and moving on to the next. I bowed, apologized, and excused ourselves. We left to return the horses to the stable.

Inside the barn, when it was us two returning the horses, Seungkwan felt the need to speak up. But he was too nervous to say anything, so he continued glancing back and forth between me and his horse.

Even still, his little acts drew my attention as I sighed.

"I see you staring. What is it?" I spoke.

Seungkwan hesitated to respond, staring at the horse's fleece and patting it. He turned back at me and noticed that I was gazing at him, which surprised him.

"Uhm..." he stutters, "It's nothing."

"Are you sure?" I said, and he nodded.

"I'm certain."

"All right, let's go to our next activity while there's still time before it starts," I suggested, and he nodded once again.

I didn't know what this kid wanted, and I didn't want to make him do something he didn't want to do. This youngster can be unpredictable at times, but that's fine; I'm not in a hurry.

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