Chapter 9

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Inside, we were permitted to conduct our own investigation, and I was instructed to put on gloves before beginning. He then handed me NingNing's autopsy report.

According to what is mentioned above, NingNing died around 5 a.m. She had seven slits in her arms, but they weren't what killed her. Surprisingly, it was caused by thallium poisoning.

According to what I understand, thallium powder is used to exterminate rats in the home. It's rather usual to have one at home. But how did she consume it? It couldn't have happened during our tea party yesterday since the rest of us would have perished as well.

"Did you come across any thallium powder in NingNing's room?" I inquired.

"No, there was no poison or anything that might be used as poison in her dorm, although this village supposedly uses thallium powder to kill rats on occasion," he explained.

"Then the staff members are suspects."

"That is why we need to do more investigations in order to have fewer suspects."

With that, I began where NingNing died: in the bathtub. Her body was no longer present, so it was much simpler to investigate without having to puke every minute.

Her bathroom appeared conventional, but the only thing out of place was the clock facing the bathtub. If this were a camera, you'd be able to see every move NingNing makes.

A camera?

My mind knew that would be foolish, but something in me prompted me to double-check. I shut the door, turned off the lights, and activated my phone's flashlight. Disturbingly, the number 7 had a red dot shining beneath it. There was actually a hidden camera.

"Jun, I've discovered something!" I called for his attention, and he dashed over.

"What is it?"

"There's a camera in this clock," I said as I removed it, being careful not to touch the glass. I then placed the clock into a zip bag for Juns' team to further examine.

"What a coincidence; the victim has the exact same clock in the living room, set in a location where you can see everything."

"I understand the purpose of a camera in the living room, but a camera in the bathroom?" I said.

"Someone has clearly been watching this girl. I'll check if my team can find the owner or the content of this camera."

Jun left early, leaving me to finish the investigation. Several things have remained with me as a result of this investigation.

One, the key with the wooden attachment; I know that key is important for this inquiry, therefore I must save it.

Second, I heard an alarm clock. Why was there an alarm on her phone? Is she meant to wake up? I took her phone as well as the key to look into it further.

I had lunch with the same people the next day. Yeji and Jennie were still grieving, their eyes swollen. I chose the same meal I had yesterday, and this time it will stay within my stomach.

As I ate, I noticed Seungkwan gazing at me as if he wanted to say something. It bothered me so much that instead of glancing away, I fixed my gaze on him. He caught a glimpse of me while drinking water and spotted me gazing at him, which took him aback and caused him to choke on his drink.

The other girls witnessed what had occurred and assisted the lad in relaxing. Minutes later, Yeji and Jennie had plans for today and needed to return to the tea house as soon as possible to prepare, leaving Seungkwan and I alone.

As I set my utensils down, I took advantage of the chance to speak.

"What is it?" I inquired.


"Don't play dumb, Seungkwan-Ah; I can feel your gaze; spill it," I urged.

The child groaned and hesitated to speak out, but he eventually did.

"Where were you at midnight?" he queried directly and I was astounded to see him like this. He was always going in different directions, but I'd never heard him be so forthright. As a result, it caused me to stammer in surprise.

"I-I was... I was with Jun," I said. His eyes widened with surprise. "But it was nothing special; we went to investigate the crime scene."

"And since when were non-police officers permitted to approach a crime scene?"

"After observing my powers, Jun appointed me as his assistant investigator, saying they may be beneficial," I stated as I pulled out my ID card and placed it in front of him. He was touched when he realized I wasn't lying, but he was also a bit envious.

"It must be wonderful investigating crimes with someone handsome," he added, fiddling with his meal.

"I decided to become Jun's assistant not because he was attractive but because I wanted to avenge NingNing's death. I know this isn't a suicide, and I'm going to bring her justice."

"Why would you do anything like that for someone you just met?" he said.

"If you were in NingNing's position, wouldn't you want someone you know to deliver you justice? I know I would!"

"Will you continue your investigation with that Jun guy?" he inquired, his face flushed with envy.

"We agreed to conduct our investigations independently throughout the day and meet at night to discuss what we discovered in order to make this slightly easier to solve."

"I see," he said quickly, returning his attention to his food. When he feels left out, this youngster loves sulking. It's charming and obnoxious all at the same time. You just want to laugh at how cute he looked but at the same time slap him at how ridiculous he's acting.

However, all kidding aside, Seungkwan can do something for me that I cannot. So, without alerting Seungkwan, as soon as we arrived at our dorm room, I threw him a pair of gloves to put on, and he caught them in astonishment.

"What is this for?" he inquired.

"Put it on; I need you to do something."

"Are gloves required?"

"Do you want to be a part of this inquiry or not?" I said, and he put it on right away.

"What exactly do you want me to do?"

I placed NingNing's phone in a zip bag for him to handle.

"Do you know how to hack?"

"Excuse me?"

"I need you to unlock NingNing's phone so that we may examine her data for further information about what she did before she was murdered."

The child completed his task swiftly, with no additional questions asked. Not even a minute has passed, and he has already unlocked the lock on the phone.

"Wow, that was quick."

"I remembered Jennie and Yeji noona talking about Mingyu and NingNing's favorite number, so I simply utilized that and put in four sevens, and it shockingly unlocked," stated the kid.

Seungkwan, despite his appearance, is an extremely intelligent young man. Don't let this kid's loud and airheaded personality fool you.

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