Chapter 10

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We began exploring each app on her phone. Fortunately, her phone didn't have a lot of applications installed. We reviewed her Instagram, YouTube, Google, and a calculator, but nothing seemed out of the ordinary.

We looked through her photo album, and there weren't many images. The majority of the 107 photos were of culinary recipes, meals, Jennie and Yeji, her dogs, and their relatives.

We then looked through her Google, Instagram, and YouTube accounts but found nothing noteworthy. And her phone appears to be clean. There were no new hints.

"I guess we should look elsewhere," I remarked.

"You haven't yet checked the calculator."

"It's nothing more than a calculator app; there's nothing wrong with it."

"Oh, something's wrong with that, all right; why would she download a calculator app when her phone already has one?"

Seungkwan made a point, and he was unusually attentive to these things. When I gave Seungkwan her phone, he was able to open a private journal from that calculator app. I was blown away. After all, who knew the calculator was a forgery?

We scanned every single page of this journal, and there were a lot of them! It was like going back in time to her relationship with Mingyu. Everything was fine and dandy until we came to page 57.

It read,

"[March 29] Dear diary, I'm terrified of Mingyu. Today, I was planning on preparing a surprise date for him in the cabin, but I noticed something that gave me the shivers. I uncovered a secret chamber in the cabin, and within were a number of computers with my images all over the wall.

I now see why the males I dated before him transferred schools or even perished in an accident. It was entirely Mingyu's fault. I thought I was the unlucky one; I assumed people would perish if they stayed with me, but it wasn't my fault after all. Kim Mingyu has done all of this, ruining my life.

He had always been the cause. And now I can't believe I'm dating him after believing he was the one. I considered him to be a miracle who came into my life since he was not soaked in misfortune. Not realizing he was the brains behind all the disasters,"

"[April 1] Dear diary, it is almost Mingyu's birthday, and he won't stop talking about it. I was planning to leave him before the 7th, but I'm scared to break up with him. Will he kill me if I do that? Just like his other victims, will I be next? I regret even giving him a chance and regret falling for him. I should have ignored him. But then again, would he kill me if I rejected his confession? If I knew he was a yandere, would I have still followed the path I went through to meet him? Cause right now, I wish I never even met him."

"[April 4] Dear diary, I did it. I managed to break up with him. His reaction wasn't terribly weird. It was like how a normal teenager would react—he wept, begged me to stay, and was left in sadness. Am I that heartless? No. I won't doubt myself. Mingyu is a psychopath. a yandere in disguise. It's better to keep my distance from him."

"[July 9] Dear Diary, It's been 3 months since my breakup with Mingyu. I haven't heard from him, but I don't feel any guilt, sadness, or regrets at all. I feel great and relaxed. Tomorrow is my birthday, and to be honest, I'm expecting to receive his messages, but after what I've witnessed, I'm too scared to even talk to him on the phone."

"[August 23] Dear Diary, Mingyu was elected as the Student Council President at my university. I didn't enter this election when I heard Mingyu was joining because I didn't want to see or talk to him. Every time I see him, all I think about is his secret room and his secret yandere personality. However, Yeji was elected as the secretary. She is my best friend. Even though I'm terrified of Mingyu, I'm even more terrified of Yeji becoming a victim of that sickening man."

"[December 5] Dear diary, Christmas is approaching, and I've never felt more excited! Previously, I would spend the holidays with Mingyu, but now I'm able to spend more time with my family and friends! And to be honest, it's much more fun with them than Mingyu. I prefer singing and laughing at Christmas rather than making out and watching the same thing over and over again. I still can't believe I kissed that man without realizing his true personality. Just thinking about it gives me the chills."

"[January 1] Dear Diary, Happy New Year! I am hoping for a great year! I went out with Yeji and Jennie and decided to get our fortunes told. I don't really believe in that stuff, but it wouldn't be fun if you bitched about what's real and what's not, right? And guess what the fortune teller told me?

I got the grim reaper card, and for some reason, it frightens me. The good news is that I'll be meeting a lot of new people soon. The bad news is that I should be cautious of the individuals around me since it will bring me terrible luck. They tell me I'll meet new people, but they also warn me to be cautious of the individuals I'm with. Make a decision!"

"[February 2] Dear Diary, I was sent to therapy to have my mental health checked. Although you see me smiling and having fun, to be honest, I'm not feeling very well with my mental state. Ever since the discovery of Mingyu, I have become very anxious and depressed. I couldn't sleep very well and thought slitting my wrist would help.

Although I didn't want to die, I slit my arm instead. Jennie found out about what I did, which is why I'm here right now, despite the girls' pestering and complaining. They were really concerned, which I appreciated. I don't want them to be concerned, so I've been lying and haven't informed them about Mingyu. Because I have a feeling that if I do tell, nothing good will come of it."

"[February 17] Dear diary, I've been chosen as one of the lucky students who will go to the camp in Star Village. All students from the student council will be going, so no matter how hard I try, I will definitely bump into Mingyu from time to time. It's been a year since I broke up with Mingyu in Cabin 7. I don't even want to remember what lies inside that thing. I really didn't want to go, but the girls insisted I go. I couldn't say no to them. Plus, if they're going, I'm sure everything will be just fine and will be fun!"

"[March 3] Dear diary, I'm back at Star Village, and can you believe it—there are students from ten different schools gathered here? I hope I make new friends and that they aren't psycho ones. I'm also staying in my old room, which hasn't changed since the day I left. The next-door neighbors are of mixed gender.

I don't know their names yet, but their personalities were very memorable! It was like eating soy sauce and vanilla ice cream together; they have different flavors but still go well together. The man was very loud and energetic, while the woman was silent and had a blank expression. I wonder if she was forced to join the camp too."

"[March 4] Dear Diary, remember those unmatched personality neighbors? Well, I became friends with them! Their names are Kwon Y/N and Boo Seungkwan. Even their names match their personalities! They joined us for the tea party before lunch, and I had a blast. Although, for some reason, my stomach hurts.

I haven't eaten since the party. I hope everyone's okay and that I didn't give them a stomach ache. It's so weird; I was fine this morning. I'll check on them tomorrow morning. A while ago, at 2 in the afternoon, Mingyu came to visit. My internet purchase for my horses arrived, and since he was the president, he had to give us our orders.

He was courteous and friendly. But all I see is a lunatic yandere dressed up as an angel. I didn't want to see him, but I also didn't want him to notice how uneasy I felt in his presence. So I smiled and retrieved my order from him. He departed right away, which was a relief. I'm hoping this is my final contact with him."

And that's the last one NingNing penned before she died. No, she was killed, and I have a clue who it might be.

Student council president, Kim Mingyu... What the heck have you gotten yourself into?

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