Chapter 1

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*presents image for bowtie* They do not look like that..... yet. This will also be the only 'rerun from the show' chapter.

"Mabel! Don't leave me alone!" Dipper wailed, grabbing his sister's pink sweater sleeve.

"Geez, calm down Dipilina, just grabbing my bags. Don't be such a worry wart with all your dumb conspiracies." Mabel said coldly, whipping her hair, along with white ribbon in her brother's face.

"Mabel, I know we just got here." Dipper said, reaching his blue skinned hand to knock on the door. "But there is something seriously not right with this town!" He complained.

Mabel rolled her eyes. "You used to say that about syrup."

Dipper frowned and shivered. "Yeah, it's unnatural... like food."

Mabel burst into laughter. "Out of everything you could've said, you picked food?" Dipper flushed. He didn't like taste in general, and he's never been fond of feeling mushed substances travel down his throat... Or expelling it from his body. He shivered. He tried knocking again.

"Yeah, yeah... I'm coming." A scruffy voice spoke. The owner of said voice opened the door.

"MONSTER!" Mabel yelled, picking up a rock and throwing it at him straight in the gut. Dipper flinched slightly and fumbled on grabbing a rock of his own. The door-opener cringed and held his stomach with one arm while his other lifted in surrender.

"Hold yer fire." He gasped. He looked up. "Kids!" The elder said, slapping his knee and laughing. "And I thought you were some teenagers, haven't seen you in years!"

"Family member we hardly remember meeting!" Mabel cheered, hugging the 'monster.'

"Two Christmases ago, right?" Dipper asked, tipping up his brown hat slightly and straightening his light blue vest cockily. "Uncle Stan?"

Stan scanned the runt. He was pretty... lanky? Small? "That's Grunkle Stan to you, slick." The kid seemed to become nervous, holding one arm in the other. Not at all he was expecting at his age... Maybe he's a late bloomer? Or do kids not bloom this early nowadays? Well, technically not kids, Stan smiled. "Make yourselves at home- but hey, don't get too comfortable.

Stan pressed away from his great niece and beelined towards a table in the living room. It was covered in papers. He straightened his glasses and looked at his papers. "Your room's upstairs." He grumbled. Mabel started hauling her things upstairs, Dipper trailing.

Stan glared up the stairs. Were they going to sleep in the same room? He was going to move the second bed into his unused study. Oh well. Wait... did they even need sleep?

Mabel plopped her things next to the far bed. "My bed!" A goat started munching on her sweater. She laughed. "Yes you can keep chewing on my sweater."

Dipper put his things to the opposite bed. He sighed "For a second there he had me thinking we'd be in separate rooms." He gave a slightly nervous laugh, relieved.

Mabel replaced her bow with a yellow headband. "I have a good feeling about this summer." She smiled, posing in front of the giant mirror that already sat in the room.

Dipper smiled. Maybe their first summer away from home won't be so bad. Maybe the siblings will even become friends.

He was wrong. "AND I WON'T LET YOU RUIN THIS WITH YOUR CRAZY CONSPIRACIES!" Mabel yelled, slamming the door on her brother as she pushed him out. It was only earlier that day he'd found an odd book. A journal. A journal about monsters that lived in the forest of Gravity Falls. It really freaked him out.

Dipper knocked on the door. "Mabel! Let me back in! You know I have separation issues." The light orange girl ignored him. He was always holding onto her. Well, he won't be able to do that today. This girl's got a date! Dipper thinks Norman is some kind of zombie or monster deely. Tch. As if. Although his skin is paler than anyone she's ever seen. Maybe he's a vampire...

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