Chapter 10

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Next chapter will be out soon!

"You see, kid ya got to be ruthless. Show no mercy in battle. Mercy is weakness and weakness is lack of power. Lack of power is lack of usefulness. Got it?"

Dipper nodded in response to Bill's instruction. "No mercy." The young one echoed. He struck the 'dummy' (it was actually one of Bill's monsters) right in the stomach and it poofed into it's gem. The gem was taken by Bill and bubbled.

"Nice work, Loonie. Maybe next time I'll let you crack the gem. Won't that be fun?" Bill beamed.

Dipper rubbed his arm. "It depends, will you be able to fix it?"

Bill smiled warmly and ruffled the squirt's hair. "Of course. I'm Chrysoberyl."

Dipper smiled and fixed his bangs as a hand was placed on his shoulder. "Bill?"

"Yeah, squirt?"

"Thanks, man. I don't think I would've gotten anywhere with Sodalite. She's more long range, so... yeah." Dipper put one arm on the back of his neck.

"You are very welcome, Loonie. You think you're up to take on some forest creatures? They're much more sentient, but that just makes it more fun." Bill smiled.

Dipper smiled back. "Am I!"


It had been a week since her twin's disappearance. Although most of her group's time was spent searching, it wouldn't consume their lives. They had stuff to do. The shack stayed open and Mabel kept going to training.

... by the end of said week, it was only Mabel and Stan who continued searching. (No one knew them very well yet, and Stan doubted the police would've responded to: help my alien nephew was abducted by an alien.) Chrysoberyl's first hiding spot was long since abandoned, so they searched in the forests they knew. They searched through town as well, asking if anybody had seen either gem they were looking for with no luck.

"It's just not fair. I mean, who even does that? What about me, huh? What about Mabel? Am I just not good enough to be seduced into running away?" Mabel complained, shooting her crossbow at one of the marked targets.

"Solana, I understand you're hurt, but wishing to be kidnapped isn't going to help us find Lunas." Sodalite sighed, projecting more holotargets.

Mabel dismissed her weapon. "I just feel like half of me is missing." She mumbled.

Sodalite bit her lip and sighed, dismissing the targets. She walked inside and motioned Solana to follow. The blue gem sat down on the couch and pulled Mabel beside her, arm around her shoulder. A projection of the two gems the twins used to be danced in front of them.

"There once was two gems..." Sodalite started.

"One was shy and quiet. They stayed away from all else, enjoying their silent peace and lonliness.

The other was loud and outgoing. They existed only to seek out others like her, enjoying chaotic peace and other's company.

The two were created together. One stone drifted and was forgotten over time, the other was bright and stayed.

One day, the bright one heard a tale of the forgotten. She heard it was someone important to her. She knew inside it was her other half. It was no more than slow gossip, but she was still determined to find them and reunite.

...The forgotten was not pleased to see the bright one at first. The forgotten pushed away, knowing who the bright was. They wanted nothing to do with their other half. They wanted to show that they could do anything without them.

Or so it seemed, internally the forgotten was scared. She was scared that if the bright one rejected her, all else will. She was scared that her destined other half would not be accepting, would not want such a shy thing in her life. No matter how much the bright one denied it... She drifted farther and farther.

It was neither of their faults. The bright one, unable to burn dimmer. The forgotten, unable to take-"

Mabel squirmed a bit. "Sodalite, this sounds really sad. Was this supposed to cheer me up or make me feel worse?"

Sodalite cleared her throat. "Right, I'll skip over the, um, sadder parts.

Gradually, the forgotten stopped running and froze. She froze, looking at her other half, still scared. This time, the brighter noticed the fear.

The brighter knew now that the forgotten was not angry all this time. All this time she was actually scared. The brighter approached the forgotten and held her in her warm embrace, melting the ice that grew in the forgotten's heart. She gently melted all her half's mistrust and doubt.

They became one and were happy."

By now, Mabel was hugging Sodalite. "W-was that about us? Me and Dipper?"

Sodalite licked her lips in thought. "History is always bound to repeat itself... but this time, a new character invaded the story."

Mabel looked to the floor. "So, whaddo I do?"

"Remove the dark shield around your brother's ice and embrace it with your warmth."

"Yeah, but I mean literally."

"Sorry. What we need to do is take Bill down, and get your brother back. I've finally cancelled all this month's appointments and we are going to go check the only other hiding spot he could be in." Sodalite paused.

"The men's bathroom!" Mabel shouted, smiling.

"Not quite, Solana. But I can't deny there's going to be a lot of water."


Dipper followed Bill in a sprint, vest and hat long abandoned as they jumped a gorge. The Moonstone stumbled but was pulled away from the ledge.

"Be careful, Lune. You won't be as helpful if you're body's smushed and your gem is cracked." Bill said, grinning as he padded the boy to continue in their direction.

"Thanks, Bill." Dipper said, smiling before continuing their run.

The two stopped near a river and Bill narrowed his voice down to a hush. "See that monster there?" He pointed to a Gremloblin.

Dipper nodded.

"Use your training well. Don't look into it's eyes. You'll be paralyzed with fear. Remember, show no mercy! None! Whatsoever." Bill gave his student a smile, canines being shown off a bit too much.

"No mercy!" Dipper shouted as he jumped to the monster, maneuvering so he could get in a good place behind it. Once there, he jumped up and summoned his sword. The monster didn't have time to be sorry it turned around. The sword impaled his skull and Dipper was atop the beast when it fell.

Bill stared hungrily. He gripped the child's shoulders and grinned. "Lune, you have no idea how happy I am. I can't even begin to express it."

Dipper let his sword evaporate. He looked at the wound and at the fallen monster. He felt bad... this monster will never be able to be again.

Bill excitedly pulled Dipper away from the no-longer-alive Gremloblin. "Kid, we're going to do big things!"

Dipper gave a half smile. "Yay!" He said a bit wryly, taking one last look at the monster.

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