Chapter 14

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Flames licked the forest floor, Pyrite destroyed everything his path. Gentle steps producing unspreading but still powerful blue fire.

To be honest, he enjoyed the destruction. Even if the flames were only subconsciously made.

As he watched himself set fire to the forest and destroy the animal's homes... he wondered...

Where'd the animals go? More forest, probably...

It would be fun to see them flee without a forest to turn to. Watch them and everything else that got in his way burn. Because, he thought, this is definitely in my way.

He burned bushes and pushed down trees.

"So... Pyrite... may I speak to my brother's part of your consciousness?"

The blue eyes along with Dipper's gem flashed a bit. "Ugh, Mabel it doesn't work like that so stop asking."

Mabel frowned as Pyrite's grip tightened. Her voice was sad and serious. "Can I at least ask you something? As a whole."

Pyrite froze.

Y-yeah. Of course, Mabel.

What a waste of time. No.

Please? What if she has something important to say? What if it's just about how we work?

"NO." Pyrite growled. He felt himself try slip away. He kept his hold.

Mabel huffed and crossed her arms as she was lowered gently to the shack's roof. Her pout ended and she grinned. "Sounds like somebody has secrets~" she chimed.

"And I intend to keep them that way, pebble." Pyrite tossed Sodalite lazily next to Mabel. He grinned as he cracked all of his knuckles. "Now, if you excuse me..." Pyrite's arms lit in a blue flame. "I have work to do."

With a loud laugh, he turned and jumped into the air.

Mabel watched him fly into the air before crashing down. With a worried expression, she watched him shrink with distance. Towards town. "Dipper will be fine, he'll unfuse when the time seems right. Right Sodey? ...Sodey?"

Sodalite groaned, putting a hand to her gem. "I- ...." She sighed, sitting up right. "Give me a second."

She felt her false fluids rush to her head. Sodalite cursed herself for making her body so human.

Mabel wrapped herself in her fluffy sweater, holding herself tight. Think, Mabel. Think. Sodalite's out of commission. Who else would have at least a vague understanding of gems? And how to get them not one person anymore. "Be right back, Sodalite. Don't go no where!"

The blue gem nodded absently.

Mabel smiled as she climbed to what seemed to be a hatch from the roof to the main floor. She opened it and crawled down the wooden latter that was provided. She pursed her lips at the red curtain obstructing her vision. Pushing it aside, she was met with a friendly face.

"Hey, Wendy! We found Dipper." She smiled brightly as she sat on the counter. "You wouldn't happen to know where Stan is, would you?"

Wendy put her magazine down and leaned against the wall behind her, feet on the counter. "Cool, he's not like, dead or anything right?" Mabel shook her head no, smiling. "I think Stan's in the living room or something."

"Thanks, Wendy. We should hang out once I get Dipper out of his weird love weapon fusion thing." Without giving her time to answer, she quickly ran into the living room. "Stan! We have a problem! A big big problem, for sure."

Stan didn't miss the stress in her voice. "Mabel! What's wrong? Did you find Dipper?"

She nodded frantically. "But they danced and now they're fused and now it's like they're not neither and Pyrite left with big balls of fire and-" She started choking up, but swallowed it down. "We need to stop them, Grunkle Stan. I think they went to town?"

There was a beat of silence before he got up. He stared at a floorboard, processing exactly what his neice said and meant. "The time has finally come." He grumbled.

His mouth seemed to frown. Mabel watched his reaction with a worried look. "Grunkle Stan? What's wrong?"

He shook his head. "Nothing... nothing. Stay here. I'll be right back."

She heard him tell Wendy to close shop and dismissed her. Her gaze fell onto what Stan was writing. There were marked pages next to his camcorder. Her face only read more concern.

Destroy. Break. Break. Ruin. Fire.

Wait- no. Not that place.

Pyrite stood on main street, looking over the shops.

Pulverize. Drown. Fire. Burn. Burn. Break. Nothing-


With a flash of his eyes, Pyrite growled. The world around him and his target disappeared.

"Hey, are you alright?" The voice of the pedestrian went unnoticed as Pyrite's arms caught fire.

She was long run away when he grabbed a scythe and sword from his gems. The scythe bent in two and the blade dissapeared, he bent it again and in a flash of white the sword became the piercing blue blade to four sharp knives.

With a roar he charged towards the building. A knife was lit with blue fire before it was thrown into a salon.

Bad place. A low growl. Hate.

A vague memory of getting his bangs chopped off wiped his brain. Another of waiting there endlessly with no purpose. Another, older of dangerous blades so close to him.

With the four of his arms he ripped the door of the small business off. He went inside and ignored the people running past him. With another roar a counter was pulled from the floor and thrown across the room.

He let his being catch in the blue flame and laughed as sevral hairspay cans and other product came a bit too close.

Another memory, watching from the window. Their nose it a chocolate brown. Their vision is blurred in one eye, but they push the hair out of it's way anyways. They watch a beautiful turquoise gem interact with a pale gem, with long blue hair. They recognise their interest as Turq and the other as Sodalite.

The flame grew even more and he loved it. Part of him was curious and wanted to watch from a distance. The other part wanted to be it, wanted to know how it felt to eat away and cause destruction just by existing. It was only when there was a loud crack from above he hovered out.

People gathered to see the commotion. He paid them no mind.


No- keep.

Burn. Burn. Break. Cripple. Keep. Break. Burn. Keep. Destroy. Keep-



Stan came into the living room holding a forked stick-like device. In the middle was a circle that seemed to power it, electricity visible and shocking between each-

"Grunkle Stan, what's that?"

"It's a stabilizer. It weakens fusions and tears them apart. They'll be in their gems for a while, but they'll be fine."

Mabel watched it cautiously. Her brother would be hit with that thing.

Sodalite stumbled into the room, all well and good. "We need to stop Pyrite. Bill is crazy and Lune can be unreasonable. Do you st-" her gaze landed on the stabilizer. "That's perfect."

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